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Welcome to september!

This month will be a chill one.

So, get ready for a bunch of commissioned pictures and did you people see the new feature on patreon? now we have "Collections" this thing allows me to organize my posts in a gallery so you can see that especific group of pics. right now you can see all available wish gem pictures there. I´ll be organizing posts in the up coming days so it is easy to everyone to find what they are looking for.

Now to the scheadule:

September 5: Daily posts until I have nothing else to post.

September 10: Taking suggestion for the 10 days of One Off´s.

September 18: The 10 days of One Off´s Begin!

September 29: Supercasket pack 60 and Picture vault September update.

September 30: Picture dump September 2023.

If you are a new patron and haven´t received your rewards, please send me a message so I can deliver them to you personally.

If anybody has a question write it down on the comments.


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