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Hey everyone. Sorry for the couple extra days of wait for the Melody mod update. I've completely remade the walkthrough part of the mod which is something I've wanted to do for a while now.

Melody became a very "route" / "endings" focused game, so the old way the mod worked was not good at all for this. In the new mod update you can now enable and disable character routes for the walkthrough mod.

If a character's walkthrough route is enabled, that means in-game choices will be highlighted to help you pursue that character's route and ending. If a character's walkthrough route is disabled, that means you aren't interested in that character and in-game choices will be highlighted to help you ignore that character so you can pursue other character routes or endings.

There are also a lot more notes and warnings that have been added for decisions that could cause you to get an ending that you didn't want.

The walkthrough settings menu will automatically show whenever a new character's route becomes available so you can easily choose to enable/disable their route walkthrough choice suggestions.

The new walkthrough system works best when starting a new game due to the new suggestions and the way story progression works, but starting a new game isn't required.


  • Remade the entire walkthrough part of the mod
  • Added 9 new scenes to the scene gallery
  • Updated mod to 0.13



Can't wait to try this out. I know we have said this before, but you are the best.


you rock!


so how does this differ from the Patreon mod??


Appreciate this, I *think* in a previous version I went all green and got all the scenes right up until the point where too many scenes with multiple girls caused a game over. Almost sad you have to choose


Why is Lain not responding to anything that is posted???


Sorry I didn't see your one comment. I've responded to everything else I've seen though so I'm not sure what you mean about not responding to anything. There's only one version of the mod, all the downloads are the same.


when com the update for Ecchi Sensei ?


I'll make the Day 8+9 mod for ES when the developers make Week 1 saves compatible with Day 8+9.


Hello when will you be doing love sex second base


Is the Ecchi Sensei W1 mod only compatible with the W1 release or also with Day7 release?


Hi, the Week 1 mod is only compatible with Week 1. Don't play the old "day 1+2, day 3+4, day 5+6+7" versions of the game, those are old versions and the Week 1 game has all of them together, so there's no reason to play the old ones.