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What kind of weapon is Vaz Stross going to get?

  • LS-150 7
  • Reciprocating Quad Blaster 0
  • Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon 18
  • M6 Spartan Laser 4
  • 2023-08-09
  • 29 votes
{'title': 'What kind of weapon is Vaz Stross going to get?', 'choices': [{'text': 'LS-150 ', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Reciprocating Quad Blaster', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'M6 Spartan Laser', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 9, 22, 34, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 29}


You guys voted for our canine crew mate to use heavy weapons, but now you get to choose exactly what kind of weapon they are getting!


Reciprocating Quad Blaster

Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon 

M6 Spartan Laser

(To be clear, the Spartan laser won't be a one for one carry over, I just wanted a high powered, slow firing cannon and the Spartan Laser looks cool.)



Personally I’d rather a full auto shotgun with explosive rounds or a full auto grenade launcher and inspired from something like the Fostech origin svd (shotgun) or m460 from halo


Oh, you've spoilt me, good author. Hm...not the Z-6, it's a bit overused and kind of a bad design IMO, and the RQB just seems a bit silly, so it comes down to the most deadly weapon in Republic Commando and a weapon from my favorite Sci-Fi series. ...as much as I love Halo, and the idea of something similar to a Splaser would be cool (and fill out a much-needed AV role) I'm gonna have to go with the LS-150 because DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA-