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Brockton Bay's Marvelous Mage (Poll)

  • Geomancy (Returning First Place) 9
  • Beast Taming (Returning Second Place) 27
  • Druidcraft 48
  • Magical Cartography 18
  • 2024-05-28
  • 102 votes
{'title': "Brockton Bay's Marvelous Mage (Poll)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Geomancy (Returning First Place)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Beast Taming (Returning Second Place)', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Druidcraft', 'votes': 48}, {'text': ' Magical Cartography ', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 28, 19, 38, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 102}


SPOILER WARNINGS! Read the first chapter of Marvelous Mage before participating or reading ahead!


Hello everyone! William Kalus's second round of charges is fast approaching, so now it's time to select his bonus! As I stated last time, your first two choices are the winner and second place from the last vote!

If you have any ideas for future magic ideas, leave them here, in these comments.

Geomancy: (3rd level) - This new level would give the MC access to more esoteric absorption in the form of crystals, as well as a general upgrade to existing absorptions with new additions to partionals. However, these new crystal absorptions would have an effect on his mind, things like emeralds giving him a slight healing factor, but also making him dumber, while rubies give him resistance to fire and heat, but make him a hot head. (these are just random examples) BE WARNED - William is the kind of person who very much dislikes the idea of being mentally influenced. If this is chosen, he will only use it very rarely. I know it's weird to offer the upgrade and immediately say he probably won't use it, but I want to make sure you guys understand what you're voting for.

Beast Taming: (First and Second Level) - Beast taming will allow William to magically tame animals, making them loyal. Level one allows for coyotes and smaller, while the second level increases that to moderately larger animals. In exchange for loyalty, the animal is given an all-around buff to intelligence, speed, durability and regeneration. The second level includes rituals to increase that buff, as well as unlock inherent elemental aspects of loyal animals. (Level three would include rituals to unlock elemental connection fully, turning a rabbit with a lightning-enhanced dash into a lightning rabbit. Level four would include complicated rituals to turn some animals into more mythological/magical versions. Sparrow= Sparrow with fire attack= Fire sparrow= Phoenix. (these would not be god teir animals, just higher level, more magically in tune animals)  Level five might include human transformations, but I haven't decided on that for sure.)

Druidcraft: (First and Second Level) - Allows for control and influence of plant life. At level one its basic plant care and buffs directly affecting the plants. Level two includes more direct control, but requires the plant or seed to exist in the first place. Level three would include creating plants from "nothing" as well as creating plant combinations that don't exist in nature. Fourth level includes things like plant golems, like spriggans and treants (no intelligence)

Magical Cartography: (First and Second Level) - Map and direction-based spells. The first level includes spells that guide you to locations you have already been, conjure mana compasses and help locate lost personal items. The second level includes rituals to create mundane maps of places you've at least partially explored, as well as more specific navigational magic. Level three further removes the need for familiarity, though not completely. Level four includes a ritual to create magical maps that include information that is unfamiliar to the owner. (Might label a normal-looking house as a drug lab)



I love this story so far, and I don't mean to be an ass... but I voted Druidcraft not because it's good, but because its the least shitty option. I THINK that's mainly because you don't want the MC uber powerful in 3 chapters like with the Celestial Grimoire, but given I LIKE OP!MC's... *shrugs*

Robert Meta

Again, these are not power gaming options. these are random things I think are fun/interesting for you guys to give him that might work well with other abilities.


Having a lvl 3 power that makes him potentially retired send the really wrong message. Had he obtained it the normal way that would be a total of 6 charged used. Not to become stronger or obtain a power he would even use regularly. And in this case one would have to even ask himself do I put even more point to see if it becomes manageable at higher lvl or not cause that would be 4 point so almost an entire 2 week charge… I understand some restriction to not have an OP character from day 1, but too much of it seems like voluntary mc bashing. He won’t be strong in a very long time anyway considering the amount of charge he need to spend. There are already way too much drawbacks to his powers.