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Brockton Bay's Marvelous Mage - URGENT- (Poll)

  • Musical Magic - Using instruments and singing to peform magic 17
  • Beast Taming - Use magic to tame and improve animals campanions 14
  • Geomancy - Use rocks, gems and metal to cast ritual esque magic 57
  • Imbuement - Putting mana inside an object to improve it (Only Temporary) 6
  • 2024-04-16
  • 94 votes
{'title': "Brockton Bay's Marvelous Mage - URGENT- (Poll)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Musical Magic - Using instruments and singing to peform magic', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Beast Taming - Use magic to tame and improve animals campanions', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Geomancy - Use rocks, gems and metal to cast ritual esque magic', 'votes': 57}, {'text': 'Imbuement - Putting mana inside an object to improve it (Only Temporary)', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 16, 16, 22, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 94}


SPOILER WARNINGS! Read the first chapter of Marvelous Mage before participating or reading ahead!


Hello everyone! Welcome to the first Poll for Marvelous Mage! A quick warning: This poll will only remain open for 24 hours, and I will be using it to write the second chapter!

As you have discovered, BBMM has a magic-centric version of Inspired Inventor. The main character has five charges every two weeks that I will select. He will also receive a sixth purchase that you guys will be voting for! The rules are as follows:

  • With every recharge, I will create a Poll with a couple of options.

  • These options will not be from any topics that the MC has purchased, is considering purchasing, or will be considering purchasing any time soon. (Him deciding to put his own points in later does not remove the option)

  • If the winning topic is breaking new ground, it counts as two levels.

  • Any other winning topic always purchases a new level, whether it would cost the MC two charges or a hundred.

  • Every time I start a new Poll, I will be carrying the winner and the second place choice over. (Unless the previous winner completed the topic)

  • I will occasionally run polls like "All second places," "All winners" or even "All third places."

  • I also might just reuse things I think are good ideas.

  • Feel free to recommend ideas for future polls in the comments, but keep in mind these topics will be intentionally out there. "Time Magic" or "Fire Magic" won't make the cut.

(This Poll is closed)



Transfiguration harry potter style. Good out of combat utility and crowd control in combat. Make his homeless situation livable my repairing and changing the building he is in too. Conjured animals land weapons, lot of uses


Are you planning on taking spells and magic system from other series like DnD, Harry Potter, and the Dresden Files?

Robert Meta

I'm keeping is a general magic system, but using examples from media will help him focus on the concept he wants. It won't necessarily work like it did in the source material, however.