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OH WE'RE SO BACK BABY!!.... and so is a CERTAIN BLONDE.....S???


Angel Season 5 Ep 1 - Conviction

Vidyard video



Okay little back story. Spring break 2005. I was sick. I had absolutely nothing to do, bored, without cable or satellite. We were lucky if we got one free channel, most were just static. My brother had been by visiting from college and left season 2 of buffy he'd borrowed from a friend. I figured what the hell, I'll check this out. I was OBSESSED. And totally in love with Angel. I was so bored and obsessed I watched the commentaries, which spoiled the fact Angel would leave the show and have his own spin off. I ended up in Walmart only to find a box set of Angel season 5!!! So of course that's what I watched next. Ultimate spoilage! I was so confused. Lol! I was lucky and got to experience the very tail end of the online Fandom of forums and such with people just as obsessed as I was. Buffy and Angel magazines. I wish I'd found it earlier, but I'm happy I found it when I did. Season 5 is so special to me because of this and I'm so happy you're finally here!!!! It's really exciting! One of the best seasons. My 3rd favourite. I can not wait for Tuesday!!! I'm happy you found Buffy and decided to do this and that we get to experience this with you. It's nearly 20 years from when I discovered them and watching along with you has been so much fun and breathes new life into them. Season 5 ended May 2004, and there's just something extra special about you watching it 20 years later. ☺️ Okay I'm done being sappy! Also, harmony is the greatest addition in the world! "Blondie bear?!" 😂😂😂


I spent 15 years mourning that man until I finally watched season 5 in covid. *facepalm*