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HOOOOKAAAYY time to chat about the season that was season 4 LOL - grab your bevvies!

ALSO LISTEN my audio was completely messed up and I dunno what happened but for the first like 8 minutes or so I had to use my literal camera audio cause my other audio was just gone lol. SO it sounds so bad, but good thing it's only for the first little bit????? sorry!! 


Angel Season 4 Wrap-up

Vidyard video



Season 4 is my least favorite. Although the faith episodes are some of my highest ranked in the entire series, so it does have its good moments. Nothing can ever make the Connor/Cordy hookup okay though. NOTHING. A bus could totally fit in! Remember Fred's mom is a bus driver? She killed that demon bug with a bus! Lol I'm super excited for season 5! It is hard to watch a reactor and not be able to say if things will get better or even try to prepare you for horrible things, but we're excited to be on this journey with you!


Oh, I also still get confused by the timeline of Cordy going bad and how all that works, even after several rewatches. I honestly believe it was forced and sloppy writing. This season was a mess behind the scenes which we can talk about after season 5. But I do hate skip now, which sucks, because he's fun in earlier seasons. I feel like it robs many other great moments in the entire series to think they were all for jasmine, someone who was only there for a few weeks. So, regardless if its crappy writing or what they'd planned all along, I need to believe it's bad writing, because otherwise the entire series just is not worth it to me anymore. I do skip most of season 4 upon rewatches now. I just can't. I know what happens, I don't need to torture myself with it every time. It's quite a sad commentary. I know people disagree with my take and that's okay. It's just my opinion. But I really hate this Cordy storyline. Let's bring her back and make her a princess! She enjoyed being a princess... mostly.


Another great wrap up! Thanks for thoughtfully answering my question. I usually go back and forth on if Season 4 is my least favorite or if it ranks just above Season 1. Season 1 has a lot of fantastic episodes, but overall it has lot of growing pains and a few really weak episodes where as Season 4 has some unpleasant storylines and character moments, but every episode is pretty strong and builds towards the overall plot or keeps those plot points moving. Definitely a tough call for me. Can't wait to start watching your Season 5 reactions.