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hello?? the ending?? were we all collectively hallucinating??? 


Angel Season 4 Ep 21 - Peace Out

Vidyard video



I'm sorry you got burned! I did the exact same thing once, when I was about 3 years old, (I'm 47 now) and I can STILL remember everything! I remember how it happened... mom had just warmed up my sisters baby bottle on the back burner and was making chocolate pudding on the front burner. She told me not to touch it, but silly me, mom turned her back for 2 seconds and I touched the back burner! I remember screaming continuously and I wouldn't stop shaking my hand. I also remember my grandmother walked up from next door with a big leaf from her aloe plant, and she made me feel better. Long story short, it hurt like hell, and that's why I wasn't allowed to help my mom make chocolate pudding ever again.

Thom Purdy

Gotta admit, the first time I saw your hand, I thought maybe someone cut your hand to get your blood to break Jasmine's spell.