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Buffy Season 7 Ep 19 - Empty Places

Vidyard video


El Diablo Robotico

You handled this as well as I did. Eff EVERYONE! (Especially the writers for making us deal with this noise.) And a special eff you to Anya for spectacularly forgetting all of the hard work and sacrifice Buffy has put in on a literal daily basis for over seven years. (I forgive Dawn mainly because I think the writers flubbed her character here.)


I totally side with Buffy here. | I feel like the only thing missing from her speech was "If you aren't willing to follow me, then you need to leave. If you think you can make your own way in this fight, then you can run off on your own and die like Cloe and [the blonde girl who tried to run and got vamp-killed]." Just as I thought she was about to say this (I've only seen this episode once before, like 3 years ago so I didn't remember what happens), Dawn kicked her outta the house. And I'm just sitting here like... y'all, Buffy's been doing this for 7 years. She didn't "earn" it as Anya said, but she sure as shit has earned her status now, after dying multiple times, averting how many apocalypses, stabbing her soulmate in the heart, and giving up her life, future, and dignity (Double Meat Palace) to be the Slayer. I get maybe the Potentials don't understand exactly what it is that makes Buffy deserving of a little trust here, but for gosh sakes, Giles, Willow, Xander, Dawn? Like God, does Dawn ever do anything besides throw a wrench in things?? Separate issue. But c'mon! TLDR; Yeah, writer's issue for sure. Way premature.