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Buffy Season 7 Ep 18 - FINAL PATREON

Vidyard video



The thing I started noticing about this season recently is how the fight music has been changing. Waaaaay back in the early seasons, it was/tended to be built around higher-pitched horns; reminiscent of Star Wars. When Buffy was fighting the ubervamp earlier in this season, the music was rhythmic and someone mechanical; reminded me a bit of the original Terminator theme. Over the past few episodes, it’s been evolving again; horn (or something horn-like), but deeper notes than in the early episodes.


Dawn to Xander in "Potential": Maybe that's your superpower- Seeing. Xander earlier in this episode: Go for the center- brain, heart, eyes. Everything's got eyes. And yes, Xander did wear an eye patch when he dressed as a pirate in "All the Way", Season 6's Halloween episode. The Buffy team knows how to foreshadow. Sadly, you were right, Darcie- Xander was kind of just building us up to just then knock us down. You have learned the Whedon way! They never should have taken that half-sandwich. Clearly Caleb doesn't like to share.


@StephanieB Something I realized only recently; the foreshadowing conceivably goes all the way back to 3x02, although I freely admit it's a bit thin. It's in Darcie's 3x02 reaction @5:15 ; Buffy surprises Xander in an alley and says "Didn't anyone ever warn you about playing with pointy sticks? It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye."