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so, how'd your date go??


Buffy Season 7 Ep 14 - First Date

Vidyard video


El Diablo Robotico

Every time I watch this I tell myself I’m going to look up what Ashanti is doing now and I never do (until now). Seems she’s done a fair amount of acting but no music in the last 10 years. Personally I like her singing > her acting, but I’m guessing she got better after this episode.


"First Date"... besides the obvious Buffy/Wood and Xander/Ashanti pair ups, The First tries to make a move on Andrew. Get it? (The) First date? I love the nostalgic call backs in the episode, from Giles' questionable illustration skills (memorably last seen in "Hush") to his comment that "Something is eating Xander's head", harkening back to S1's "Teacher's Pet". Also the whole "let's go on dates , apocalypse be damned" vibe, reminding us of Buffy's attitude in "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date". Kudos to you, Darcie, for catching on early that Wood's mom could have been killed by Spike. Not many reactors I've seen made the connection. Granted, they probably haven't seen "Fool for Love" as many times as, well, most of your patrons. Also, side note, the actor playing Wood’s mom is different from S5- the original one was a stunt woman so they needed to hire an actor when they brought her back. Anyway, thank you for a super fun reaction, as always!