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Captain America TFA Movie Reaction & Commentary

Vidyard video


Michael Mammano-Cheydleur

The fun of Captain America in his World War II era is the simplicity of the character's morality. You knew who the bad guys were in WWII; there was no ambiguity, so taking out a bunch of Nazis and Nazi-adjacent analogs is some no-strings, feel-good escapism. When Marvel Comics brought Captain America back in the 60s, it was only twenty years after WWII, but he still had the "man out of time" quality that has really become a hallmark of the character. Cap has woken up in a much more complicated America, technologically and morally, something you saw the start of in those ending scenes like at the outdoor cafe where he doesn't know what wireless is. Despite the charms of the WWII Cap, the character really gains purchase as he is explored from this point out, contrasting the ideals of America with the realities of America, believing in the dream more than people selling it, and the conflict inside him between the soldier and the man. For a long time, pretty much since the Vietnam War, Cap was a third-tier Marvel character, considered by many to be boring, jingoistic, or just too much of a Boy Scout, but Evans' Cap went a long way toward steering the character out of that old fuddy-duddy place. There were events in the comics before this movie, but the film really helped kickstart that change. I, for one, don't care much about Cap in the comics, but MCU Cap always had a very interesting constrast inside himself of his values and principles bucking up against duty; the letter of the law vs the spirit of the law, like when he disobeys orders to go save Bucky. I'm all over that stuff.

The Oracle Witch

On Chris Evans size in start, im only 20 mins in w you so maybe you figured out lol but it was a big deal back in day cause it was one of the first whole body cgi. They cgi him to be that small. It was really good. Now 36 mins in and darcie goes "season 4 buffy vibes" lmao buff will be with you forever. 🖤