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conversations with DEAD PEOPLE, HMMM???


Buffy Season 7 Ep 7 - Conversations with Dead People

Vidyard video



I, like everyone, love this episode!! It's definitely ranked top tier of the entire series for me. I guessed it would have decent sob moments, because how could you not?! I still cry like a baby sometimes, especially during Dawn and Willow's conversations. This time I actually forgot all about Dawn's part until it started! I haven't rewatched season 7 in a few years. I keep trying to start from 1 and make it all the way through, but end up stuck before I make it to 7. lol. So the reactions are great to help me get through! Back in the day I almost bought a shirt that said, "Anchovies, anchovies, you're so delicious! I love you more than all the other fishes!" Ha ha! Even though I do not like fishes. The first time we saw Mama J I jumped, because I FORGOT!!! How could I forget?! I always remember Buffy and the vamp, and then Willow and Cassie, but I guess maybe I skip a lot of Dawn's when I'm alone, because it's too scary. lol. I even have the song they used in this episode, and when it plays and I'm alone in my car at night I have to skip it, because I'm a whimp. lol This literally was such a jam packed episode without a dull moment. And fricken Andrew!! WTF man?! Just let Johnathan miss high school, even though I could never, and maybe don't stab him! Warren never had good intentions for you before he was flayed!

Shaun Houghton

For the record, I think you were lyin' about being able to take on a lion.