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OMGGgggg happy birthday buffy! 😬


Buffy Season 6, Ep 14 - Older and Far Away

Vidyard video



I love all versions of Tara but Sassy Tara may be my favorite. A little Easter egg in this episode: When Hallie the vengance demon & Spike recognize each other. Hallie is played by the same actress as Cecily (poet-Spike/William's 1880 crush) in S5's Fool for Love. Note she calls him William. So the question is- did she become a vengance demon after that or was she already one when he was crushing on her? My personal theory is she already was one which is why she was so mean to him ("You're beneath me" and all that). Also I think Buffy would love your M&M cookies, Darcie. Good call! But um... We only steal from corporations, Dawn..? Perhaps not the *best* advice. Maybe it's good you weren't at the party ;-)

Calvin Allen

Tara is easily the best character of this show.


I loved your snack analysis! In all my years watching the show, I never thought to stop and look at it. It has to be cheese, because it's Buffy's birthday and we know she likes it. I just imagine Willow saying she's going to bring a cheese plate and showing up with that ungarnished monstrosity.

charlie ray

i kinda loveeee this episode... and honesty tara is my spirit animal ....