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Buffy Season 6, Ep 7- Once More, With Feeling

Vidyard video


Scott Andrews

YEP! This happened. Almost happened in season four instead of "Hush", but it did not.


This has always stuck with me: “When musicals are done well…the song happens at a point where the words aren’t enough anymore”. — James Marsters


I’m so glad you got to my favorite episode! The ost is on Spotify so you should definitely listen to the full version of the parking ticket song. It’s not my favorite of the songs but it’s cool that there’s an extended cut. I think on another reaction to this episode someone said that singer was one of the writers for the show which is really cool Maybe one day you could rewatch this and do a singalong. I love singing along to musicals lol

Thom Purdy

This is not "a musical episode"...this is "THE Musical episode"!


💕💕Loved your reaction to this amazing episode.


I've waited 6 long seasons for you to enjoy this masterpiece of an episode! I'm so glad you loved it. I have the CD, and know every words to every song by heart. I love musicals so much! Btw, the demon was played by 3 time Tony Award winner Hinton Battle.


I've been looking forward to this so much! A while back when you had said that you love musicals, I remember thinking oh hell yes 😂 AND the fact that you do your uploads on Tuesdays, so the "must be Tuesday" joke hits here too. Just such a fun reaction that I think made all of our days! This was the very first episode I ever watched. I was 7 years old and thought the show was too scary, so my dad showed this episode to me and I was immediately hooked. The nostalgia around this episode is intense lol, but it is SO good. The layers to the themes in this episode, the music, the acting, it's all just amazing.

Andrew Pulrang

One thing I've become more interested in as I've rewatched Buffy and gone through this part of the storyline with reactors, is how feelings about trauma and recovery have evolved. Having watched the series at the time it aired, I don't remember feeling that Giles was completely wrong or unreasonably harsh in expecting Buffy to take on adult responsibilities at this point. I think we all regretted the possibility of Giles leaving. And in this episode specifically I think most viewers agreed that Giles telling Buffy she was on her own to save Dawn was a bit too much But I think most people bought into the general idea that Buffy was depending on Giles a little too much. But a lot of reactors I see today are sort of outraged that Buffy is expected to recover from her death and return, not to mention loss of her mother, pretty quickly on the show. And frankly, looking at it today, the expectations placed on Buffy DO seem a bit rushed ... some of them anyway. I'm curious what people think. Are we seeing a show flaw, a rushed storyline here? Or have our ideas about mental health shifted so much that the show now seems out of touch or just plain wrong on the subject?

Kirsten Stewart

I have been counting down to this episode and your reaction to it knowing that you would love it. We had a copy of the CD when it was first released and my daughter (11 at the time) and I would sing every line of every song as if we were cast members whilst driving with the windows down, ignoring the stares we received while stopped at traffic lights 🥰🥰


I think its more the first one, but its because the other characters dealt with the aftermath here the same way they always had while at the same time the show is diving deeper into Buffy's psyche than they ever did. The show has had a lot of truly heavy moments and losses, but aside from 5x16-17 we've never really stayed in that place before s6. imo the expectations on Buffy have *always* felt rushed; part of my suspension of disbelief on the show is how quickly she moves on from the honestly kinda crappy behavior of her loved ones. Thinking 3x02 and her somehow full forgiveness of Giles by the end of Helpless. But, it's harder to forgive the decisions the characters make so easily after s6 because they show us the impact on Buffy so clearly. As far as Giles leaving goes, I think Buffy *was* depending on Giles a little too much to parent Dawn. But that's something that can be addressed with a conversation and yeah, more support. Him leaving with that excuse would be a writing flaw, needing to get ASH written off while leaving open the possibility for his occasional return.

Matthew Garrison-Perkins

Top 3 episode of the series. And thanks, now I've got "Where does the pollen Go?", stuck in my head. Music is the universal language.


best episode ever!! thank you for such an awesome reaction, I had so much fun!<3

Erica Moyers

If you ever get a chance, listen to the full length songs on CD. They cut out hilarious pieces of songs that I think you'd enjoy. The ones I remember having missing parts were the Parking Ticket song and Where do we go from here.

Victoria A Wilder

So adore your reaction to this episode! If you're into musical shows, you might enjoy both Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (it is NOT what you expect and is truly one of the best shows ever made, right up there with Buffy) and Galavant (just plain fun)!