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Buffy Season 6, Ep 5 - Life Serial

Vidyard video




Shaun Houghton

If only they could all agree on the best James Bond, then they could really get on the same page, and become a threat. Still don't know why George Lazenby or Pierce Brosnan didn't get a mention.

Neil Silverman

Congratulations to your niece! That's awesome. That must have been so exciting!


What a great moment to enjoy with your family! So glad you went to see it -- considering the dramatic Gold win, definitely not one you would have wanted to miss! Only just started the ep., so don't know your impressions yet, but this is a fun enough episode! I like certain parts more than others (tbh on a rewatch, I tend to fast forward through the college/construction-site "challenges"...maybe I'm a bad fan?), and the "other" parts that I very much enjoy are the Magic Box loop-de-loop, and (of course) all the Spike and Buffy scenes near the end. I also enjoy getting more insight into the Trio and their dynamic, which I feel (aside from Buffy herself) is the point of this episode in my view.


Congratulations to your niece! So happy that you could be there to celebrate such an amazing win! I enjoyed this episode, it’s a fun one though not one of my favorites. I agree that Buffy would have been an excellent construction worker (as long as she worked at, like, 20% of her normal speed). Of course I loved her interactions with Spike at the end. I can see how it can seem random that she chooses to go drinking with him but I think the fact that she would go to him for help figuring out who in the demon world is trying to mess with her does make sense. Anyway they have such fantastic on-screen chemistry I don’t even care about the “why” that much. They’re just so much fun to watch.

Dino Reviews (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-09 11:16:41 Right, I am so far behind but officially back on the Buffy train before Season 7! Let's go.
2023-07-25 15:19:41 Right, I am so far behind but officially back on the Buffy train before Season 7! Let's go.

Right, I am so far behind but officially back on the Buffy train before Season 7! Let's go.