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ummmm hello? what's this?? season 6?!?! 

we got a long one today so fasten your seatbelts, please keep your arms and legs inside at all times, and enjoy the ride. 😌


Buffy Season 6, Ep 1 & 2 - Bargaining

Vidyard video


Neil Silverman

Yay! Today is my birthday and I am taking the day off work and this is the perfect way to spend a lazy afternoon!

Scott Andrews

From this episode the series is definitely a darker undertone, and it does not sit well with some, but I happen to love that we got the darker tone from this episode.


Hippos have always been my favourite animal because of this commercial! Gotta love old Canadian commercials 🤣


Pineapple Haribo gummy bears for the win!

Raven Dark

I've only watched the first part, and I just wanted to point something out before I forget. If you watch the part of the scene where the biker demons run over the urn and it breaks, you can see a little flash of bright white light that flies into Buffy's grave. On to part two!

Cáit ní Bhriain

I watched these episodes for the first time on Disney+ and I swear they were shorter than this! So cool to see some extra bits I personally quite like this season (I know a lot of people don't) the Scoobies are adults now, so kinda makes sense to make the show a little bit more adult as well Looking forward to the next one! 😊

Raven Dark

Yikes. Yeah, your reaction to the ending of the second part was perfect. Can't wait for more. I love the darker tone we get for this season. Also, I want pineapple gummie bears!

Calvin Allen

It almost sounds like you're describing Kill Bill but she didn't have a gun


My favorite reactor reaching my favorite season! Oh boy am I exited!! Lesss gooo!


Yessss finally more buffy hehe

Ray D

Starting with this episode the show moved networks from The WB to UPN. Where WB has pretty tough standards and practices that were always wanting them to change things, Joss said that UPN didn’t even have standards and practices at all. So they had much more freedom. One of the big things at the beginning of the episode they show Willow and Tara kiss. Where WB didn’t want them kissing or being physical much at all.

Scott Andrews

Likely edited; I know in some episodes, especially on Hulu, Buffybot stopping at the city of the future is not included.

angelcakes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-27 01:52:20 Buffy's fear in Nightmares (1x10) was to be buried alive... ☹️
2023-05-27 01:52:20 Buffy's fear in Nightmares (1x10) was to be buried alive... ☹️
2023-03-06 16:08:58 Buffy's fear in Nightmares (1x10) was to be buried alive... ☹️

Buffy's fear in Nightmares (1x10) was to be buried alive... ☹️


Ah BuffyBot. I remember being ENRAGED at the beginning of this episode, when it aired, because I thought we were getting BuffyBot for the rest of the show. So mad LOL. This show can piss anyone off given enough time LMAO.