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you guys, tara...😭😭


Buffy Season 5, Ep 19 - Tough Love

Vidyard video



Such a good episode, but man.. Tara.. she’s my favourite character.. seeing her like this hurts..


I'm forever obsessed with this show's ability to cut the dramatic tension with the funniest jokes. Like every Anya line at the hospital, genius !!


Not getting to see what happens next for a whole week? How terrible! Now you know how us old folks who watched it when it first aired felt. :-P Also... Peanut butter & pickle sandwiches! I used to LOVE those! Technically, I'm pretty sure I still love them. I just haven't made one in ages...

Claire Eyles

The spell that Willow chants is one of my favourite spells in the entire Buffyverse, it is so well written and actually feels like someone did their research as to what gods or beings Willow would call on for a spell like this. The deities Willow calls on are Kali, Hera, Kronos, Thonic (I believe this is meant to be Cthonic) and Cassiel. Kali, in one of her forms, can be known as the 'dark mother', she's also a goddess who destroys evil to protect the innocent (one of her roles at least); Hera has a defining characteristic in her mythology (Greek) as being wrathful and vengeful against anyone who has offended her, Kronos is one of the Greek titans who is often depicted holding a scythe (can be seen as a personification of death) & castrated his own father, Thonic or Cthonic relates to the Greek underworld, or anything that inhabits it and Cassiel is known as 'Wrath of God' and the 'Angel of tears'. Calling on this many powerful and vengeful gods, Willow aint mucking about! :D

Thom Purdy

I used to love peanut butter and bologna! PB actually goes well with a lot of foods, both sweet and savory.


Okay listen...Tara...I love her. I hate seeing her like this. IT HURTS. Amber does such a great job with this episode, though. From the fight with Willow to those last few moments of revealing Dawn as The Key. BUT ALSO!! Peanut butter and pickles sandwiches fucking slap. But honestly? Peanut butter, pickled jalapenos, and ham? That's where the true magic lies

Eric Paul Owens

when you do the finale, please include the previously on. Its the 100th episode.