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Buffy Season 5, Ep 14 - Crush

Vidyard video



One of my favorite shots from this episode is Spike’s conflicted face staring at Dru with a dead woman in his arms while the music gets more intense. James Marsters’ acting is INCREDIBLE.


I just lose it every time Dru silently mouths “Boo Boo” 😂


Kinda odd to me this time around how shocked and appalled Buffy acts about Spike "loving" her.... he just tried to kiss her like a few episodes ago, where he was all like "I know you feel it too, you wanna dance" blah blah blah 🤔

The Oracle Witch

Now we know where Dru went after that little fire bomb with angel lol. Too bad so sad! 😂😂 lovong the googley eyes on spike. He is dreamy 👀🖤

Cáit ní Bhriain

Oh man Spike… I mean we know he had no luck with women in his short human life, and then spent 100 or so years with Dru as a vampire - so I guess I can kinda see why he would think a vamp’s methods of chaining someone up would be more effective, especially when that someone dismisses and yells at him (not condoning, obviously, this will get you arrested people!) The Scoobies are made out to be the good guys/heroes so couldn’t they help encourage his changes towards good? (Can do this without encouraging his Buffy crush) I mean it’s got to be hard to do that on your own, and he’d be more likely to stick with it if the chip ever failed/came out right? Ah the soul… I don’t think it’s as simple as “soul = good, no soul = bad” People with souls do bad things all the time (murder, rape, theft etc) Plus every basic statistics course will teach that you can’t draw sound conclusions from a sample size of 1. So that, and the fact that Angel’s soul was given to him using a curse made with the intent of him being racked with guilt for the rest of his days, means that Angel’s case shouldn't be treated as gospel, which the Scoobies all seem to do (irritates me to no end!) Anywho, those are just my ramblings for now - never had anywhere to share them before, so thanks for this little community Darcy! Love your videos 😊


Just sitting here remembering the reaction to Fool For Love when she said, "Imagine if Drusilla comes back and says what a loser." Just had to wait like 👀.

Raven Dark

The label of this episode on Vidyard says it's episode 13, but it's supposed to be 14. You have it right, as 14 everywhere else, though. Fabulous reaction, Darcy. I loved seeing how much this one made you laugh, and your reaction to everything with Spike was great. Keep 'em coming, Darcy.


Can’t believe how fast we’re getting through this season

Ava Sinclair

I love Spike but he's so creepy here. And not in a fun way. I have lots of varying Spuffy feelings but I have never, ever found the 'I'll make you love me' approach romantic. But hey, at least here's Drusilla to make it all better, and Harmony for a surprise save! She is so freaking funny and the little bits with her and Dru were the best.

Calvin Allen

Drudsilla kinda reminds me of Aubrey Plaza

Sharon Owen

I LOVE this episode. A nice fun one to start this month with. I love how it was Dawn who revealed to Buffy about Spike's feelings.


I don't know that it was the writers falling in love with Spike so much as having him as a main cast member gives him plot armor. There are several points post-chipping where there is *no* good reason that Buffy doesn't stake him beyond "he's under contract". What *is* a failing of the writers is putting him in far too many situations where it's really hard to justify letting him live even with the chip.


thank you!! i didn’t notice the episode name until next time i was in there - fixed now!! and thank you i’m glad you’re enjoying raven!!!


It's way crazier Buffy just let Drusilla walk away without trying to kill her, after all the murders she'd just committed.