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umm.. so anyone got any tips on how we can defeat a GOD?! 😳


Buffy Season 5, Ep 12 - Checkpoint

Vidyard video



Sorry only watching this episode now finally resubacribed and catching up on episodes, I love your a passions fan and spike and Joyce watching passions was priceless, when talking about the wedding though u mentioned u think it was charity, im pretty sure it's actually Ethan and Gwen's wedding that where Ethan finds out he's not a crane lol


Noticed for the first time on this rewatch that after the Scoobies have a meeting in the living room and Buffy finds Riley's sweater, later on she's wearing it in the graveyard. At least I think it's the same sweater...


I scrolled to the end to see your reaction to the reveal and legit LOL’ed that you said “oh” at the same time as Buffy 😂😂😂

Claire Eyles

Oh thank the gods, my finger was getting sore from hitting the refresh button LOL :D Really looking forward to this one, and onto the reaction I go! :D

Raven Dark

Haha, I just did exactly the same thing. That was freaky how alike their reactions were!

Brandon Scott

lol, so no. You were actually right before. If you're throwing a punch and you imagine taking a big wind up, right? Can you picture that? That would completely telegraph your punch and it would be easy to block or dodge or whatever. Well dropping your shoulder is kind of a micro-version of that kind of wind up. It's a movement that can happen subconsciously to give the punch more power but it makes it really easy to see a punch coming.

Raven Dark

Steller reaction, Darcie. Like I expected anything else. :D This is one of my favorite episodes in season 5. It's low on the list of favorites, though, just because the episodes above it are so ridiculously good. This is probably a weird thing to say, but I just noticed something interesting about the way Glory's character is written--or maybe portrayed is a better word here. Television writers have a bad habit of oversexualizing women, and they did back when this came out too. They dress them in overly revealing clothing, among other things, when it feels unnecessary. While Glory is undoubtedly sexy, and she does show lots of skin sometimes, she never feels overly sexualized. In this episode, there's a scene where she's dressed in nothing but a towel, yet it feels very natural. I'm not sure if it's the way the scenes are shot, or her dialogue or what it is, but she's just very well written without ever feeling like the writers are falling into the common trap of trying to use her body to make her more interesting. It's neat to watch. Anyway, looks like things are heating up in this one, and I can't wait for the next reaction, Darcie. Keep 'em coming.


Always up for a musical interlude 😊

Devon Martin

I myself would love a cool rider 😎 🤟 lol...

Scott Andrews

Yep. This revelation: Glory is a GOD! Iconic! Truly iconic! Buffy became a Slayer, truly, in this episode, when she asserted herself against the council. She realized how important she was to THEM and not THEM to HER!

Rey Gallogo

I think the council is just as important as the slayer. I mean one slayer that's supposed to protect the whole world? Whoever thought of creating a single slayer to protect the whole world didn't think of logistics. As we see in the Buffyverse, there are other warriors/agents aligned with the good guys. I think it is important that everyone of them supported each other.