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so about that breakup episode prediction....🙈


Buffy Season 5, Ep 10 - Into The Woods

Vidyard video



Not me coming in 8 months late to say, Xander is such a lying jerkface!! Nobody told him?! Are you kidding?! Riley straight up told him episodes ago!! I literally can not stand Xander a good portion of the time and this speech ranks top tier. Dang, I was really trying to catch up before I joined the conversations, and now to have my first one be so negative. lol. But I just can't with Xander here!


Douces Ry Ry ✌️

Bud Haven

Buffy was right, their relationship was doomed from the start. Buffy just isn't Riley's type. A big hint came before they were dating. When Buffy asked, "So you think boys can take care of themselves but girls need help?" Riley,"Yes." "You've been treating Riley like he's the rebound guy. When he's the one who comes along once in a lifetime." Someone has an opinion as to how Buffy's been treating Riley and what he should mean to her. Please. He shoved her into going after him imo. And If she had caught him and asked him to stay? They just would have put it off anyway. They aren't compatible. Like Buffy said, "This is the package." She doesn't have what he needs.

Madam Satsuma

Don't know if anyone here is into Passion of the Nerd, but he's got a great in depth analysis about this episode and how so much of it is out of character for Buffy. There may be spoilers in it though? So maybe don't go there if you haven't seen the whole series.


Darcie, are you wearing... beige?? 😃


Bye, dude! Don't let the door hit you where the Lord split you!

Andrew Pulrang

And then he turns around and gives Anya an “I love you” speech for the ages. I love it. But all too often Xander is whatever the writers need him to be in any given moment.

Svetlana Grabar

I agree, you said it so well! I understand Riley's feelings but the actions/ultimatum was super disrespectful. I also agree with the gist of what Xander is saying, "Swallow your pride if you actually care about the relationship." It came off as him blaming her though, especially since he never took interest in their relationship before. Riley messed up so bad and never truly apologized. That's what pisses me off the most. Also as an aside! In the hyena episode, you picked a random episode and mentioned that maybe you'll like Xander in season 5 episode 11. We're finally there lol. So do you like Xander after 5 seasons? :D

Shaun Houghton

As an Australian, I laugh at your puny spiders, however they are spiders, never trust them completely. There may be a truce but never a deal with spiders.


I like PON take on a lot of stuff but sometimes I disagree. Buffy being angry about the situation seems quite normal to me.


I've never been able to get behind the Buffy-Riley relationship no matter how many times I rewatch, but I've always liked this episode for the moments. The group vamp fight, the drama moments, all good. BUT this episode also has one of my FAVORITE music moments in the series. When Buffy chooses to chase down Riley (not my fav choice), and the music picks up and leads to the scene of her running is just UGH it's so good! I think it's the only time in the series that score is played, and I get chills every time!

Claire Eyles

Australian here too. We had a huntsman living in our house recently, not as big as they can get but still managed to hunt down a whole arse wasp. :D

Shaun Houghton

Huntsman spiders, now we're talking. At least they look like they could rip your arms off, stuff them in your ears and ride you like a motorbike.


The short little melody that plays right when Buffy starts running down the street and before Darcie put the standing emoji next to Riley (LMAO) is used in an episode in season 6, but I can't say which episode or scene because it would be a HUGE spoiler. But yeah, except for that little snippet of melody, I don't think the rest of the music is used in any other scene!

Scott Andrews

Had Riley not been so power-hungry in his relationship with Buffy, I do think he and Buffy could have been solid. But he had that toxic male energy of needing to be the MAN in the relationship. Also... Xander coming in CLUTCH with his epic speeches with both Buffy & Anya. We love to see it.


The standing emoji got me too 😂 I swear the music in this show is truly unmatched ❤️

Richard Lucas

No question Riley was raised differently, and I think he tried as hard as he could, but it would never have worked out, as Buffy didn’t love him. It’s the natural thing in the world to say ‘I love you’ when someone you love says it to you. Riley said it multiple times and she never said it back. (The only one she did tell she loved Riley to? Not Willow, not Giles. It was Angel, when she was throwing it in his face after seeing him in the arms of Faith.). But Buffy said it herself in 4-8, “I like my evil like I like my men, evil.” It was sort of a joke, but just sort of. Note that even after Parker Abrams treated her like crap, she pined for him for weeks.


Some people handle breakups differently. Some girls change their hair, some boys rejoin the military and leave for a foreign country with a hostile war zone. Tbh I liked Buffy and Riley when it first started. I feel like I’ve said this before on here but when Riley told Xander that he knew Buffy didn’t love him, it should’ve been over then. It makes the relationship uneven at its core, then you add everything else and it just becomes a mess. Riley is a good person and being in that kind of relationship can be psychologically damaging. I feel like Riley gets a lot for their relationship because “oooh he’s a toxic male,” but no one wants to talk about how Buffy acted in the relationship. There’s some Riley/Buffy scenes that hard for me to watch, it just feels she took his dependability and kindness for granted. The Riley/Buffy sex scenes are the worst cus I just feel like she’s using him for sex. Buffy was hurt badly by Angel and then by that poop head that must not be named and I feel one some level she wanted someone to date that she could hurt. And she did, she knew Riley would always be around. I can’t remember what episode it was but Riley and Buffy were kissing before she stops and says something like “I’m glad we worked things out,” only for Riley to respond “we haven’t anything.” Buffy’s communication throughout the relationship was just as bad if not worse than Riley’s. I think the argument this episode was less about an ultimatum and more about Riley wanting to hear the truth from her. He knew she didn’t love him and he wanted to hear it. I think part of the reason I feel for Riley is because I’ve been in toxic and abusive relationships before so I understand what Riley went and how he got to that vamp nest. I’m just glad the relationship is over, I just wished it happened sooner.