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a tara episode you guysss!! 😍😍


Buffy Season 5, Ep 6 - Family

Vidyard video


Paul Maki

Not to be all correct-y, but the boombox over the head is late-80s rom-com.


I love this episode. I always get so tearful at the end when the scoobies protect tara and say she’s family. I also always feel so awful for tara - what kind of awful life she must have had at home. She is so timid and frightened of them… her stutter came back the moment she saw her relatives! And she is so sweet and gentle, must have been so difficult! I’m so glad she found willow and the gang!

Claire Eyles

The actress you recognised playing Beth is Amy Adams, the oscar nominated actress Amy Adams. :)

Andrew Pulrang

Kudos to Amy Adams and the other two actors playing Tara’s biological family. They all managed to exude exactly the sort of narrow, family-based, cultish, regressive and abusive vibe that I think the writers were going for. The older son has just a hint of wild there where you think he might throw hands. The cousin is seemingly mousy but lashes out when her little world feels threatened. And the father is calm and menacing at the same time. Almost from the instant the three of them walk in we pretty much get the idea — and immediately like Tara twice as much as we already did because her timidity suddenly makes sense, and her basic kindness is a miracle.


Not me having watched the show 20+ times and still ugly sobbing at Willow telling Tara how proud she is of her, for being who she is despite her abusive and controlling upbringing. Not to mention my love of the found family trope and dynamic being spelled out for me right in the episode title. AND it's Tara-centric?? Bro, you know I love this episode. What more can even be said? haha Well, I'll tell ya! This episode really made me appreciate and understand Tara. Her entire character just made more sense after this one! She was awesome and super endearing but there just wasn't much in terms of depth to her yet so this episode definitely felt much-needed. I'm not sure how intentional it was but I feel like Buffy and Xander trying to figure out what to get Tara kind of summed up how the writers have been treating her thus far. The audience only really knew her as somebody who was super nice, into magic, and into Willow. But by the end, they know more about her and appreciate her more for it. To nobody's surprise, this is one of my favorite character-centric episodes of the series.


Prepare to have your mind blown - do you recognize the vampire that Riley meets at the bar ? Sandy ? She was turned by Vampire Willow from The Wish dimension when she was brought to Sunnydale in Doppelgangland. Remember when Vampire Willow took over the Bronze ? Sandy was there.


As usual I absolutely adore your reactions, you always make me smile so much, even through my tears. As a lesbian myself this episode means so much to me, and easily make it to the top ten of the entire series, and in the boat of comfort-episodes top five for me. Tara is an amazing character and such a good character to look up to and to have representing the community, just pure kindness rapped up in a ball of beautiful eyeshadow, haha. I just love her, and she means a great deal to me and my personal journey. And I think this episode suites her character so well, all the metaphors so well done ending with a girl who was brainwashed into thinking she was a demon finding out she is just someone magically wonderful and absolutely worthy of love, and not a demon at all. A journey a lot of us has to go through in life, sadly (queer or not). Thank you for a great reaction!<3