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oops i umm... talked a bunch 😳😳

**EDIT** some people are having issues with the video unsyncing or freezing while the audio still plays. I checked and my file is fine, I believe it's a vidyard issue. While I work through it some have said changing the resolution from auto to 720p seems to be a temporary fix! sorry yall! 

**EDIT 2 (lol)** some people are still having issues with the vidyard link so i uploaded it to google drive for you all to download instead! let me know if you have any issues with this! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yc0_r74jJTWqPLgflJlAU3UeckTKgCCe/view?usp=sharing


Buffy Season 4, Ep 22 - Restless

Vidyard video



Seen this episode SO many times (love it), and have watched several people deep dive into the interpretations, including some commentary from the writers! And just now feel like i saw/ felt something new! When Buffy and the first slayer are communicating, comparing, then fighting, Buffy stops and says “we dont do this (anymore)”.. and then the first slayer starts fighting again. I feel like it was also an aspect showing that Buffy finally, within herself, has stopped fighting her destiny. She has finally accepted her slayer-side, given up somewhat on the idea of being just a normal girl. But equally she knows and accepts she does have a life outside of slaying, she has friends and family and other stuff going on that make her a well rounded person (i walk, i talk, i shop, i sneeze…). So she doesnt want to fight her slayer side anymore, she accepts it within herself, as part of herself. Not something totally separate. BUT YET the slayer side of herself is powerful and demanding (of her time, the people close to her…) and so it keeps pushing back, trying to take over… but Buffy is choosing to find balance, to ignore that and wake up and be back in her life. “You’re not the source of ME.” The first slayer is not buffy summers. Buffy may have the power, and the first slayer might be the source of her power, but the first slayer is not the source of Buffy. She has layers and she finally seems to be willing to fully blend them. To accept her heritage in the slayer-line and also to be somewhat happy with her life beside slaying… there’s so much there!! And 15years down the road i only just saw this possible aspect!


My interpretation is it is something random, but my brain automatically went to the old wives tale about how you shouldnt eat cheese before bed or it will give you weird dreams lol!


I have a theory... about the cheese, but I can't tell you until you are done with the series. :) I am catching up on your reactions. Will be watching my highlight episodes to catch up then finish your journey with you :)


This episode will indeed give you a lot to think about. I first watched it 22 years ago, and I'm still thinking about it.


OKAY LAST COMMENT I SWEAR Over the years, I've really grown to dislike Xander. But I think I'm realizing that I just really dislike who he was for the first 3-ish seasons. Despite being so entirely lost in his life, I feel like he's really come into his own this season. I just feel like he's a lot more relatable this season and even more likeable. They gave his character more depth than just like..."quirky selfish horny teenager". If you ask me, my personal opinion is that Xander was just a bit of a dick for a lot of his high school years. He very much had "Nice Guy" energy, you know what I mean? Genuinely think that he has changed for the better since then.


There's so much to say about this episode but I'm gonna keep it short, cause wow what an awesome reaction to an awesome episode! I'm so glad you loved it and you described my feelings about this episode exactly. Yes, it's definitely a rewatchepisode, I especially recommend doing it after you're finished with the whole show. Thank you for making this so much fun!

Thom Purdy

rewatch this episode after you've done season 5. It will make a little more sense. Great reaction!

Bud Haven

The cheese man uses cheese to represent Buffy's Slayer persona and what it means for her. First having to make room in her life for it. - I've made a little room for the cheese slices. Then the Slayer persona not protecting her from the trauma of life - These will not protect you. Third that she wears being Slayer but it doesn't change her basic nature. - I wear the cheese it does not wear me. And finally pushing in her way her as she tries to confront the first Slayer.- The man shaking it in front of her. Some say the cheese man is just random silliness, but the things he says don't seem random to me. Also during her dream Buffy does wear the cheese, her Slayer persona, on her feet.

Michael Mammano-Cheydleur

I'm fairly certain (I think Whedon said so, but I'm not 100%) that the cheese guy was just a way to have one random thing in there, because there's always that one thing in your dreams that's just completely out of place. "Be back before dawn." Keep that phrase in mind.

Shaun Houghton

Just some observations: Firstly, love the pigtails. Secondly, I'm confused, you want pizza, but you don't like warm cheese. Thirdly, really looking forward to seeing the Season 7 doughnut tower.


i loooved this reaction, loved how much you enjoyed the ride and couldn't stop smiling the whole time i was watching! i absolutely would recommend rewatching it, and i selfishly would LOVE it if you would film it and post it, though i would totally understand if that is too much work with all the editing or if you just wanna watch it again on your own. i just wanted to chime in cause i am pretty sure a lot of folks would love it, just in case you'd think it would be boring or something.


Loved this reaction and your interpretation and analysis! I don’t want to comment on anything specific, but you’re analysis was much more impressive than mine when I first watched it XD. I can see why this episode may not be someone’s cup of tea, but as someone who likes to over think, it’s an absolute treat to analyze. I agree it’s rewatchable-even right after its first viewing to see what details you can pick up. It’s endlessly fun to analyze and wonder about-and it’s actual dream-like quality is so fun to watch. There isn’t much media that really perfectly captures what dream is really like I think, and this is so accurate. Anyway, would definitely recommend watching again when you’ve completed the series!

Svetlana Grabar

One of my top 5 episodes for sure. I really like how this show actually depicts dreams realistically. They probably had a blast playing around with sound and symbolism when making this episode. There's no way you can overanalyze this episode either so don't worry about that :D There are actually amazing youtube videos that go through this episode, scene by scene. There's a spoiler and a non-spoiler version of the video. I would LOVE it if you reacted to the spoiler one after the show is done. I haven't watched the non-spoiler one yet so I don't know if it's actually non-spoilery or not. One of my favorite things about this episode is that we see how each character views the others. It seems like Willow sees Buffy as somewhat unintelligent/child-like with the way Buffy was acting in her dream. To me, this seems to match Willow's previous lines ("Buffy did the reading? Buffy understood the reading?"). There were other ones too, like how Buffy viewed the military and how Giles sees Buffy as his child. I find it sad that Buffy couldn't see or catch up with her friends at all in her dream. She was trying to find them but didn't manage to talk to any of them. The scene with Xander, with all roads leading to the basement, was amazing. The sets were actually right next to each other so him crawling between sets was real. This season and especially this episode made me appreciate and (dare I say it) admire Xander. He worked so hard to try and get a job and he worked at so many places. It's hard to go out and put yourself out there like that, especially for non-glorious minimum wage jobs, when his self esteem is so low and all his friends are in college. He did it anyways. I loved your reaction to this and am really looking forward to your review! I'd especially love to know your thoughts on the growth of all the characters, and maybe where you see them going from here.

Dino Reviews

I'm super late catching up on these as I wanted to have a few to watch over time but I LOVE how open you were to this episode. It's such an interesting episode and there's so much to get from it. I can't believe we're almost on Season 5 too! That's insane but September literally cannot come quick enough right now :D