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Buffy Season 4, Ep 8 - Pangs

Vidyard video


Briony Addey

I love the delight you're getting from Anya!


I know it's super problematic but I still love this episode- nearly every line is a zinger


Starting a petition to rename Sunnydale "Buffytown", who's with me? :D Yeah definitely agree that this episode is weirdly ahead of its time while also feeling very dated. On the one hand, props to it for not sugarcoating the subject of Thanksgiving or treating it like just a regular holiday, like I'm sure plenty of other shows of the time would have done. On the other hand, it's full of really funny jokes--which is part of the problem, because it's probably not great to embed discussion of such a serious topic in what is essentially a comedy episode. And it's also got a number of really tasteless jokes in it alongside those really funny ones ("You can have casinos now!" is particularly awful). I do love the transitions in this episode, though--it seems like every other scene ends with a line that directly ties into the start of the next scene, like when Angel muses about what it's like to be on the outside looking in and we immediately cut to Spike looking in on a group of vampires having their own Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe it's a bit overdone, but that technique is something I've always enjoyed about this show, and they do it a *lot* in this one.

Svetlana Grabar

Agreed, episode did not age well at all. I don't hate it because it was probably "woke" for its time, and plus there's a lot of great lines in this episode, but it feels a bit uncomfortable for sure. I love Anya :D I identify a bit too much with her.


Couple of quick things. First, I give the writers a tentative pass on the “chief” line since it’s Spike who says it and he’s, well. Evil. I’d like to think the writers thought about that. Second, and this may only be in my head, but @43:39, when Willow and Anya are hitting one of the attackers with garden tools? In literally the last episode, it’s Willow who threatens to to beat someone to death with a shovel if they hurt Buffy. :)

charlie ray

It’s not aged well , but it was still at least acknowledging that there’s an issue , not many other shows on prime time tv would have done that at the time. But yeah , next episode! Move it along! Nothing to see here! 😂


Yeah its a difficult topic in this episode.. I still like it though because of the amount of comedy, especially with spike getting shot with arrows, and xanders syphilis lol. I'm glad you love anya. I'm not sure if Emma Caulfield intended it but how anya behaves and speaks parallels somewhat with some common attributes of autism. It's great to see this portrayed so well, in such a lovable character, so I don't intend any offense at all by saying this. But being unaware of social queues, bluntness, often speaking as though she is following a "how to..." manual she has read on certain topics rather than acting "naturally" (e.g. "your head is moist. oh, you're sick. OK, you cannot go to work. Let me remove your clothes. Lie down." It's a little bit...robotic in a way but you can see a true caring nature there

Nica Marie

I find it interesting that while deathly ill Xander is in the lead as they ride to the rescue and is the first to charge into the courtyard. He's basically at death's door yet still first in the fight. So typically Xander. Just as it's typical that no one noticed.


I usually end up skipping this episode. I appreciate what it TRIED to do buuuuut it was still a bunch of white people in a writing room attempting to portray the massacring of indigenous tribes as a monster-of-the-week scenario for an all-white cast to defeat. Ahead of its time yet somehow still incredibly ignorant and racist. Never seen an episode of media do that before. Honestly, the only things I enjoy coming out of this episode: Buffy's jokes involving her insistence on making the perfect Thanksgiving dinner and Spike's "You made a bear! Undo it! Undo it!"


I get your point in that sometimes when men like Joss write for a powerful female character or characters they can miss the mark because they just don’t completely get it…..at the same time, So under you logic you probably seem like you should just skip Buffy in general. I agree with the fact of many others who fall into the category of “An attempt was made..”


I would also just say that society overall can progress when a generation takes this the ball from those really fighting in small numbers to make a change and make their collective voices heard to the point in which it is the majority. Again, it was a misguided attempt. Choosing to express the wrong doings and yet using things like “spirit animals” and having them ultimately defeated as the villains was a bad….if not hypocritical way of doing this. They could have made these same points on a Thanksgiving episode at a dinner discussion but it’s just my personal opinion that….”A bunch of white men….” and skipping an episode is a bit selective. I just think back to certain episodes that I won’t mention due to spoilers but in one scene you are like, “Oh wow…they called that out way before it’s time”…only to watch them do it a few episodes later and wonder if they saw the irony or not.

Teresa Schultz

I agree with you… this episode is somehow dated AND ahead of its time. But it’s just so freaking funny! And for some reason, I absolutely love the “pat” on the head that Buffy gives to Spike after he’s tied up! It’s so cute!


Michael, I know it was a misguided attempt. Like I said, "I appreciate what they tried to do". Buffy is my favorite show of all-time. Literally watched it 20+ times over. But I'm not gonna sit here and claim it was flawless, because it was not. This is one of the episodes that is glaringly obvious on that matter. Me pointing it out isn't being "selective". This isn't an all-or-nothing situation, my guy...


I agree, it definitely feels like one step forward three steps back. It certainly tried, but it has the oddest mix of ahead of it’s time and extremely dated. Yet I do love this episode for some of it’s comedy-Spike yelling at Buffy to undo the bear remains a favorite of mine. And I love and can relate to the focus on Buffy trying to have the perfect thanksgiving meal-trying to go back to when she was a kid and life was simpler. It’s extremely unfortunate it’s tied to such a dated episode.


Somehow I managed to post this comment under the schedule rather than this episode (where it's relevant to your comments at the beginning). Also managed to miss this fact for a week. So I've (finally) deleted it there and I'm reposting it here: Watch an episode without your headphones? But then you'll miss all the quippy dialog! What would a Buffy episode be like if you can't hear the banter?


😁 I worried some folks would consider it spoilery, but I knew Hush was coming soon and your comment about watching a whole episode without your earbuds was too good *not* to say something. 😛