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ooookay feels like we're picking up some steam here season 4😌


Buffy Season 4, Ep 7 - The Initiative

Vidyard video



I wonder if SMG was filming something or occupied because this is the least we've seen of Buffy in an episode since they turned her into a rat in season 2. Having said that, this is my favorite episode of season 4 so far. Yay for cute Buffy/Riley moments. It really feels like a pay off after the bits and pieces of setup we've gotten in the first few episodes. And it's funny and the pacing is A+ Loved the reaction as well, Darcie! So many surprises! <3

Matthew Bailey

Ok so instead of editing Ill just add a new one here. Yes, Giles gets... not so much a "glow-up" this season as more of a loosening up. He's no longer an official school faculty member and the kids are technically adults now so he can be less stuffy professor and more quietly badass long-suffering Sexy Ripper. I'm happy you noticed James Marsters being added to the cast and the credits. Spike is always entertaining and has an interesting effect on the shows dynamic. I like Season 4 for the character moments and its got some stand out episodes, like this one and the next 5 in a row in my opinion are really good. The overall plot isn't as interesting to me but the character development is everything.


I like to think of Season 4 as Giles' mid life crisis phase :D


OMG i never noticed just how many milk cartons Graham has at the start :') good catch!


Well, we lose one Oz, but we get one Spike in return. Fair trade IMO. :D This episode continues the tradition of episode 7s being important ones, either in terms of plot or theme (or sometimes both). So yeah, the Initiative exists, Riley and Professor Walsh are a part of it (good call on her being more important than her role thus far would suggest btw), and they're doing experiments on demons and vampires. Whether that's a good thing or not probably depends largely on what the purpose of those experiments is.

Matthew Bailey

Also one more thing. I think you noticed, as I did, that when one of the Initiative dudes is about to shoot Willow, she's actually saved.... by Spike, who grabs him and throws him. Almost seems like he is deliberately protecting Willow which is interesting.

Thom Purdy

Vampires can barely live WITH Harmony, much less in her...


I really enjoy Riley and Willow's connection here. It's just really sweet?? They had a bit of a connection in the season premiere when he's introduced and we haven't really seen them interact since so this was nice to see again imo

Briony Addey

Ugh. The opening scene never fails to skeeve me out. Yeah, guys, Riley must like Buffy, otherwise he wouldn't care that Parker made such a horrifyingly misogynistic comment about her. Fucking gross.


Ngl, been waiting for you to react to “Maybe she’s Canadian,” since season 1, worth it!

charlie ray

Slightly sentimental comment warning!, I’m feeling a little stressed/ rundown/ low, my anxiety has gone wild , and I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for your videos, they really give me a place to escape and feel myself. Your doing more than you think you are with these videos. Thank youuuu! Xxx


oh im so excited that you're up to this one, riley is one of my favorites tbh and this episode is so good

Brittney Stevens

"Vampirage" is my new favorite word! I've been trying to figure out how to use it in my everyday life. You are literally the best Darcie, thank you!


carmen i dunno why but "since they turned her into a rat in season 2" had me howling laughing lololol and thank y ou!!


BUT I STILL WANT OZ TOO hahaha why cant i have it all?! super cool notice on the ep 7s! now ill be thinking that next season too :)


not you making me big cry 😭😭😭 but honestly i hope you're doing better and glad i could help if even a little. <3 <3


No because couldn't stop laughing! Definitely replayed her reaction to that line 😂