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Buffy Season 4, Ep 6 - Wild at Heart

Vidyard video


allison lussier

Veruca Salt was a very bad egg 🥚 🍫

Claire Eyles

Veruca Salt was a character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. The band 'Veruca Salt' is named after the character.

The Oracle Witch

Ughhhhh. Episodes like this -_- To answer question on spellwork and emotion; we shouldnt perform a spell without being thought out and 100% sure but we can Absolutely be angry. Sometimes we need strong emotions to fuel energy and intent. But the spell she was performing would of been a hexxing, baneful magic. Her intent was to completely change their paths which would of created some serious backlash if she had done it. (Irl not on the show lol) Big hugs! See you FridTuesday 😭 i need a blankie and dark room now. Shall we keep s3 oz in our heart forever for he was magnificient

Claire Eyles

Yep what The Oracle Witch said re spell work. You don't want to be doing a spell when your emotions are running high to the point that you're not able to think clearly and focus, but absolutely you can use emotions to fuel good spell work. The way I was taught it's mostly about balance, like feeling the anger but tempering it with control so you can use that anger towards a more purposeful goal. The other thing with doing spell work during high emotional times is that, at least in the type of traditional Wicca I practice, you also have to be prepared to be responsible for any consequences of what you're doing. In traditional Wicca we don't really believe in a universal idea of some threefold return for whatever we do, but there is an emphasis on person responsibility & doing spell work when you're very possibly not thinking through the whole personal responsibility thing is never usually a great idea. Having said all that, I personally don't do a lot of spell work myself. I mean I will, and I have, it's just not a major focus of my practice. I'm more focused on devotions to, and honouring the Wiccan gods, & marking the wheel of the year (sabbats).


Great episode but really sad. Its OK tho the next few eps are amazing so that'll cheer you up!

Richard Lucas

it’s usually at this point that someone will mention behind. the scenes stuff and i’m just begging them not. Please save all behind the scenes comments for the end of the season, at least. i think that’s very fair.

Matthew Bailey

Without dropping any spoilers, in my opinion this is an unexpected episode that changes the course of the entire series in certain ways. Once you finish the whole series I will explain why.

Miranda (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-27 23:09:00 Yup this is a sad one. <3 That I suspect will prompt some of that patented pacing!
2022-05-04 19:15:57 Yup this is a sad one. <3 That I suspect will prompt some of that patented pacing!

Yup this is a sad one. <3 That I suspect will prompt some of that patented pacing!


ah yes! i assumed there had to be some sort of "rule" like this! completely makes sense. :) see you tuuuuuu(day) LOL