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Buffy Season 4, Ep 1 - The Freshman

Vidyard video


charlie ray

did i imagine it... or is it a madala effect on mypat...but didnt i read that sunday was going to infact be the big bad at one point... and it would have been revealed she was a slayer that got turned?.... and thats why shes so strong....... if i made this up in a dream.... still cool


i think a couple people have mentioned this above! i wish they would have gone through with it i really liked her!

Jessica Roth

Hmm, the first posting didn't show up, so I'm trying again. Apologies if this becomes a double-post. It's what I get for waiting so long, I suppose. Okay, so let’s talk about Giles in the back half of the season. 3.12—lies to and drugs Buffy, probably getting Hobson and Blair killed. Not to mention any civilians that might have been killed when Buffy didn’t know what was happening and couldn’t patrol. Then (when it’s too late to make any difference), he confesses, getting himself fired, which is unfortunate since there’s an apocalypse happening next ep… 3.13—ultimately pulls everything together and did “the bravest thing I ever saw” to stop the Jhe, so good for Giles. Small demerits for keeping “fray-adjacent” Xander completely out of things, when they could at least have used another pair of hands in the preparation. (And Xander would be younger and more agile and probably more resilient, during the melee.) But Xander ends up stopping Jack’s bomb plot, so it works out. 3.14-Enjoys scoring points off of Wesley, but it’s Wes identifies the Eliminati (from a very sketchy description). Since it’s Giles who has been the active Watcher, you’d think he would be up on these things. He does stand up to Balthazar and fight well, though. 3.15—As previously noted, Giles mishandles Faith, and then lets Xander walk into her den, unprotected. If Angel hadn’t been peeping in Faith’s window (perv!) Xander would be dead. 3.16—Completely flummoxed when Willow turns out to not be a vampire, after all. (No better than Angel, honestly.). How difficult is it to theorize about other dimensions? Given that the gateway to one is literally under where Giles is standing at the moment? And Giles’s very first lecture to the Scoobs was about how the demons went to another dimension, and the big threat last year was Angel threatening to have the Earth sucked into another dimension, and Buffy’s actually been to yet a third non-Earthly dimension. At this point, if there’s “no Earthly reason” for something, “alternate dimension” should really be your go-to, I’m thinking. 3.17—Lies to four people who risk their lives regularly to help him and Buffy, as well as Wesley, whom he’s supposed to be working with. (And who just admitted he’s violating Council protocol to keep Giles in the loop. Way to show your gratitude, G-Man.) Doesn’t even bother to keep an eye on what’s happening, increasing the chance of somebody mistakenly dusting “Angelus”, as Oz nearly does. I grant you, Giles has all the reason in the world to kill Angel, but if he wanted to, he should have just shot Angel with the crossbow in “Amends” and have done with it. Don’t count on Oz to do your dirty work for you, dude; the kid’s got enough problems. (Maybe if you’d done something about his werewolf issues besides locking him in a freaking cage every month, Oz might owe you a favor. But you haven’t, so he doesn’t.) 3.18—As Willow noticed, completely off of his game. Apparently he’s got time to notice Buffy’s taste in shoes and engage in pointless research without sufficient intelligence— (How tough would it have been to get Faith to spill a little more? That “Assuming [the Mayor] has hands after the transformation” bit was at least a clue she knew something else. Buffy should have been all “oh, yeah? What’s he going to turn into? An even lamer loser?” or something like that. But no, she and Angel couldn’t wait to do the reveal.) —but he can’t put two and two together and come up with an answer to “Who is going to get the heart of the second demon?” Really, Rupe? With Buffy out of commission and Faith gone evil, how many demon-fighters do you have left, exactly? (I always think that Wesley’s reply of “negative thinking doesn’t solve any problems” is code for “you haven’t figured it out? Good Lord” or something similar.) 3.19-Rushes into action just to show Wes up. Doesn’t think about mystical safeguards, doesn’t instruct Buffy about avoiding a conventional alarm, doesn’t have her verify the vampire’s word, doesn’t make sure Angel practices with the fucking winch and, most importantly, doesn’t bother to find out how Willow’s going to get down from the roof (“we thought she stayed with you”?? You mean, you didn’t cover that in the planning? Well done, Giles. Top show!), and was nearly about to agree with Wesley about letting Willow die, AFAICT. Thanks for nothing, Tweed Boy. What exactly was in that thermos you were drinking from, I ask? (My theory is that Giles has been subtly drunk the entire back half of the season. Not as blatantly shnockered as in “The Dark Age”, with the disheveled shirt and the stubble, but just having a few and a little tipsy. I think he’s like that in “Phases”, too, which is why he’s overly-giddy about researching werewolves and laughs at Xander’s “moon pie” joke. I forgive him for that, since he’s dealing with his and Jenny’s breakup. But this is pretty much all of the spring.) 3.20-Gives Wesley that very responsible “Cordelia’s legal now. Go for it, Bro!” advice. Really, Giles? Alexis Denisof is 33 at the time of filming, you know. I grant you that Charisma was coming up on 29, but I doubt Wes is 23 to Cordy’s “18”. Even if he’s just 28 or so, that’s pushing it. At least wait until she graduates, I should think. 3.21—When the Mayor visits the Library in that excruciatingly-pointless “I’m so evil! Watch me twirl my mustache!” Scene, does Giles seize the initiative and bonk Wilkins over the head and seal him up in a cave or something? He KNOWS the Mayor’s on a deadline, and while Hizzoner may be impervious (as Giles himself saw in “Choices”), he’s not super-strong. Hell, take him to Angel’s for the duration. Let Fang practice those torture skills, see if he can get any fresh info out of Wilkins. Even if Dickie can transform without eating the spiders, it can’t hurt to separate him from his minions. Instead Giles just shoves the rapier into Dick’s chest, which he knows is useless. “Good show, Giles”, to quote the man himself. 3.22—Stays out of the way and blows up the Library. Well done, and while I’d like to say that he wasn’t needed, since Buffy landed near the detonator when she came out, there’s no guarantee she wouldn’t be eaten by then, so that was actually good planning. But still, overall, not Rupe’s best work. Which, to return to my original point, leads me to wonder if Giles’s bewildering shirking of his responsibilities here and blowing off Buffy’s (legitimate) concerns is subtle detail work…or just a continuation of a run of poor writing, violating G-Man’s established character for yet another “oh, poor Buffy!” moment. Which is #11 in the episode already. Sheesh.


Hey Jessica, the cornpop community has noticed that you haven't posted to Darcie's Patreon in a while. It may be none of our business but we just wanted to make sure you are OK. When someone as prolific as you are drops out it leaves a noticeable hole in the world. Some of us even miss your crazy long posts 😁 and 𝙖𝙡𝙡 of us miss your enthusiasm for Darcie and Buffy. If you can just let us know that you are alright even if you've just decided to not post anymore it would be appreciated............ You are missed.