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heLLOOOO corn pops! 

can't believe it is already time to make this decision but good news - YES i will be watching angel! (the show, not the vampire... i don't stalk) 

i have the watch list and watch order and will be doing one angel episode a week along with the one buffy a week! 

queen buffy will remain every tuesday and i will post angel videos on fridays.. which is basically just like a second tuesday. :)

SO here are the deets:

- there will be a new tier added at a slightly higher cost for both buffy and angel vids

- if you're just here for the buff - you can stay in your current tier! 

- there won't be a buffy episode video next week BUT i will post my season 3 recap/season 4 predictions etc video likely wed/thurs!

SO buffy season 4 ep 1 will go up tuesday, march 29 and angel season 1 ep 1 will go up april 1 - that way people don't have to pay to upgrade their tiers for literally ONE video - itll just start at the beginning of the new month! 

honestly the week off is also to allow me to wrap up a bunch of projects etc to make room for doing 2 videos a week from now on  😳😳 - not nervous at alllllll lol.

some unanswered things i have (maybe feel free to leave a comment on these if you have ideas etc!!) 

- some weeks have two parters for both shows... will i be able to do 4 vids in a week... i really am not sure yet (but i hope so?)

- sometimes the viewing order changes (ie buffy/angel/buffy/angel/angel/buffy) - does it matter if i still post buffy tues and angel fri or should i swap them for those weeks? should i post a monthly calender of what will go up when? LET ME KNOW if you have ideas please!!

ANYWAY i am very excited to dive into a new series, new characters, new journeys with you all! maybe me and angel will end up being besties, who knows 😌




i think the slayalive guide that’s been adapted for youtubers that claire linked above is a really good guide and keeps it to generally even dispersal of the two shows without messing up crossovers/plot lines/etc!!

charlie ray

Is the new teir up!? Can I join now!? I’m ready!? Is it the £7 one!?