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hellOO corn pops!! 

it me! i'm up! i'm well! i'm feeling 90% like me again :)

sorry about that. i didn't expect everything to last so long - i really thought it would be just like the flu and i'd be good to go again quickly LOL. 

anyway - i wanted to give you all an updated schedule so we can get back to business!! 

so here we go!

S03 E12 will go up this thursday, jan 27. 

i am heading home next week so going to spend a couple days just visiting and stuff with fam before i go so S03 E13 will go up bit late - saturday, feb 5. 

THEN A TWO PARTER WEEK! (technically, i am told :D) so S03 E14 and E15 will go up Feb 10/11

S03 E16 will go up TUESDAY feb 15

S03 E17 will go up friday, feb 18 as a bonus ep week  to make up for last week :)

S03 E18 will go up tuesday feb 22 and so on and so forth! 

it'll be a bit wonky here for a bit but super appreciate all your patience and well wishes while i get back on my feet! :D

can't wait - miss you all!! 




Most importantly I’m glad you’re feeling better!


I am so happy to hear you are feeling better! ❤️❤️ We’ved missed you but happy you took the time you needed to feel better!


Yay! Glad you're feeling better


EEEEEE! This is the best news ever that you're feeling close to 100%! I cannot tell you how good it is to hear from you, Darcie. <3 I was worried, you hear so many stories about different experiences and you just never know. So incredibly grateful that you are better now and thrilled to see your face soon! (I'll be late to respond on Thursday - talk about a shift in activities: first attending a webinar for International Holocaust Memorial Day where we will hear from the granddaughter of an Auschwitz survivor, then going to tour a wedding venue with my fiancé. Quite the polar extremes on both sides. I told him to schedule it for whenever he was available, oops.)


Glad you are feeling better. So excited for the next batch of eps!! <3


So glad to hear you're feeling better! Take care x


It's great to hear you are finally almost back to normal. Have a safe journey traveling home.


So glad you're feeling better Darcie! Xx

charlie ray

Can’t wait!! Glad your feeling better

Jessica Roth

Glad to hear you're better, Darcie! People have all sorts of reactions, I understand. I'm back from the rehab center I went to after the hospital, and the head of the physical therapy department there told me that she had her third ("booster") shot and it completely wrecked her for a month; she could drag herself to work during the week, but on the weekend she slept until 11.00, had breakfast , and then went back to bed until 5.00 PM. (Which is a schedule I can sort of get behind, but it's been a looong time since college, I admit.) So hang in there! Looking forward to your upcoming reactions.