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hey corn pops!

i can’t believe i have to make the dreaded no-post-this-week-post, but unfortunately i have covid :(

i’m going to take some time and just sleep mostly and hopefully it passes very soon. i don’t want to set a day for when the video will go up just cause i’m not sure what’s ahead of me - but i will promise to keep you all updated and will drink lots and sleep lots and kick covid’s butt 😌

thank you for your understanding!! hopefully be back and running on tuesday’s very soon. 💛



Take care of yourself, feel better, we’ll be here whenever you feel better!


Hope it's a swift and mild journey for you. Feel better and get all the rest you need x


No problem, love. Sending healing vibes. Get better. We'll see u soon. ❤


Feel better soon Darcie! I'm sending you virtual matzo ball chicken soup (Homemade. Trust me, it's delicious. 😜), and just take it easy. We'll be here when you are on the mend.


Get well soon!


I hope you feel better soon, Darcie! <3

Claire Eyles

Take care of yourself, get well soon. <3


Take care of yourself, first and foremost. I hope you feel better! 💛


Hope you recover soon! Definitely better to take care of yourself and clearly I am not the only one feeling that way. We'll be here when you decide you feel well enough to get back into your routine <3

Shaun Houghton

May your trees always bare apples and your rivers flow with ambrosia.