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we made it! final episode of season 2, what a damn ride!

QUICK NOTE! so sorry but for some reason the audio glitched for the first little bit of my recording and i sounded like a robot so i had to use my camera audio (which... is... blegh) and im so sorry! sounds like poo.
good news is it fixes itself about 5(ish) minutes in and is good for the rest of the ride! sorry about that.

also dont forget S3 E01 is coming late next week! see ya thursday :)

okay bye now! enjoy! 


Buffy Season 2, Ep 22 - Becoming Pt. 2

Vidyard video



Couple questions I had this time around: 1. Did they just say that Angel's blood was needed to close the portal? Not that he had to die, but just his blood? So couldn't Buffy had just cut his hand with the sword and thrown it in or something like that? 2. I do also like the scene where Spike is like "God, he's gonna kill her" and then welps and walks away, but at the same time....his whole plan teaming up with her was that they needed to defeat Angel to stop him from ending the world. If he just peaces out and lets Angel kill Buffy.... it defeats the whole plan and the world is still gonna end, no matter how far Spike runs. 3. I agree that seeing Angel say he just wanted to protect Buffy earlier, like a the end of S1 would have been helpful. I didn't really get it/feel it until this watch through that it really clicked how protective he was of her the whole time, that he saw her as she was transitioning from high school girl to savior of the universe and how heartbreaking he found it. Which brings me to 4 4. This is also the first time I think I've REALLY felt for Buffy and seen her amazing growth. Think about being 15 years old, a popular, semi self-absorbed, semi-ditzy kind of girl and having this massive responsibility dumped on her. When she was talking to Snyder and every time she was saying something like "this is my life, this is my job, I'll do whatever I need to, What's left when there's no hope? Well there's me" stuff, I just quick flash back and forth between that Buffy and the girl sucking a lollipop on the school steps saying "call me!" and it breaks my lil heart. I feel like I had more questions/gripes but I'm blanking on them now. Maybe the comments will jog my memory 5. Spike chokes Drusilla out..... Vamps don't need to breathe, so how could she pass out from being choked? I guess MAYBE you could say it was lack of blood to her brain, but..... I don't like it.

Jessica Roth

So I'm laser-focused on you, not the episode, because I know what happens when Drusilla tells Giles "See with your heart" and I want to see your reaction…and then when G says "Jenny…I thought I'd lost you", that's when *I* lose it, start crying, and slam my eyes shut in self-defense. The best-laid plans… Brilliant work, my #4 favorite ever. Just a hair below the best, because Joss is so busy moving his chesspieces around that he kicks logic to the curb, repeatedly. And because Whistler is a completely useless and annoying Exposition Device who drags the episode down, but those are for other posts. I love how you caught the foreshadowing of Buffy getting expelled, which you may recall is Joyce's major concern in both 1.01 ("Try not to get kicked out") and 2.01 ("I'm just hoping she makes it through the school year"). I guess it's good news she won't be worrying about that next year?? It's just annoying that you've heard about this show called "Angel". That…complicates things. Oh, well.

Jessica Roth

THINGS I NEVER SAW BEFORE (in dozens of viewings) 1. Spike steals the cop's cigarettes. No wonder he wants to kill him; can't risk having the cops after him for the theft, lol. I'm usually so confused by the smoke (apparently) coming out of Spike's NECK that I don't notice much else. Seriously, what's up with that? Does Spike have gills? And boo to the cop, smoking on patrol. What are you going to do if you have to chase somebody, Blue Boy? Save the cancer sticks for your own time. II. Right before Angel pulls the sword from Acathla, Drusilla knocks Spike FLAT ON HIS ASS. You go, Dru! Yessss…


Something I don’t think I ever noticed before; Spike’s hands on the steering wheel when he’s bailing; he recoils from the light once, then spends the remainder of the time keeping his hands on the wheel but avoiding the light. It’s an almost meaningless detail, but I loved seeing it.


Drusilla is a hoe. Let's not act shocked Buffy said it.

Patrick Lyke

I am so happy to see how much you loved this season finale! I remember a long time ago how you commented on how you wished the fight scenes were more in depth so I am quite sure you're very happy with how much they developed their fights and choreography in this season. Now on to season 3!! :)

Jessica Roth

Yes, but it leads to one of the best comments I've ever seen. (From, IIRC, the Sunnydale Slayers, a group of contemporary commenters/fanfic writers): "As someone who's had all three, Dru clearly prefers Giles [to Spike and Angel]. Who are we to say she's crazy?"

Renee Pope-Munro

Huzzah to Darcie inadvertently commenting on the Overalls of Sadness, my favourite recurring inanimate Buffy thing ;)

Svetlana Grabar

I was looking forward to your reaction to this episode for so long!! I'm glad you liked it :) One thing I really like is that at the end, we see Buffy check on her friends before leaving, to make sure that they are okay :)

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Glad I'm not the only one who finds Whistler seriously annoying (and not just his character, I'm afraid I don't like the acting either). I, too, just can't take the Jenny scene. Along with the 'let's leave Jenny in his bed' scene this is just so damned cruel :'( Cruel things happen to Buffy too, but they are generally circumstance and plot (except Angel the night after they slept together, which was cruel but not on quite the same level). But a character intentionally being sadistically cruel to another, well, that seems to be Giles' fate at the moment :'(

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

I haven't watched yet but I'll say this here. Pretty much the best thing about Go Fish is the accessory that appears in Giles' tie. In Becoming part 1 it has moved to his button hole and in Becoming 2 it is still there at the start but gone by the end (I don't like to speculate too much about that). And what is it...? It is the pendant of the necklace that Jenny wears in The Dark Age 😭 It breaks my freaking heart 😭

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Why I love season 2 is it is about doomed romance (and I'm not generally a romantic person). Except it's not ONE doomed romance, it's TWO. Both of which mirror each other (whether that was entirely intentional is another matter) and are deeply entwined with each other. Buffy and Angel, and Giles and Jenny are essentially the same storyline throughout. They start dating at the same time, both Buffy and Jenny find out about their boyfriend's less than savoury past in 2x07 and 2x08, both relationships break up in Innocence, both Buffy and Giles lose all hope in Passion, and in 2x22 they both think, for the briefest of moments, that they have their lovers back, only for them to be snatched away in the most cruel ways imaginable - Buffy has to stab her first love, Giles discovers that he has doomed the world. Oh, and I love the Angelus/Dru/Spike combo too :D

Jessica Roth

I've always seen Buffy and Jenny as mirrors of each other. (Their speech patterns even seem similar, IMO.) Giles has hidden himself "in these old books for so long, I've forgotten what the real world is like". And then Buffy makes him want to be part of the world again…and Jenny makes him want to be a man again. We only have a precious few Buffy/Jenny dialogue exchanges, but they almost all seem to be about The Care and Feeding of Rupert Giles, from "Think of something cool. Tell him I said it." to "You took him to Monster Trucks?" One of the interesting things about discovering S1-S2 in retrospect (I'd seen a few s2 episodes, but didn't become a regular viewer/episode taper until S3) is finding out that I not only loved Jenny Calendar (who I only knew as having been murdered) even more than Giles (since Jenny isn't used as "Wisdom Guy" to push IMO bad ideas), but how she helps me see more clearly into BUFFY's character. I will always miss her.

Jessica Roth

You may recall WAAAAAAY back when, my mentioning that all of S1 was shot before any of it aired, enabling Joss to go back and add little scenes, notably in "The Harvest". ( The Willow/Xander "Rain of Toads" scene is one; you can see they've combed Nick's hair down around the sides to try to hide the haircut he got later in the season.) And you might recall my mentioning that Joss writes a year in advance. (General outline, if not the specifics.) Put those together and we realize that when, at the end of S1, Joss added the scene in 1.02 where Angel watches Buffy leave the Bronze in triumph and says "She did it. I'll be damned.", he's not only subtly hinting at Angel's unholy nature… …but he's writing that knowing that Angel will end S2 IN HELL. (Okay, "a" Hell. But still.) To quote Spike, "this is just…neat." Bravo, Joss!

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

And the same could be said for Angel. Buffy gives him a new lease on life when he sees her and then again when they meet. Jenny LITERALLY gives him a new lease on life by translating the curse. Also, I have read some outstanding fic about the relationship Buffy and Jenny COULD have had :'(

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Has anybody mentioned... GILES The good-guys are stalwart and true. The bad-guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats and we always defeat them and save the day. Nobody ever dies…and everybody lives happily ever after. 2x07 coming to bite Buffy and Giles in the arse :'( And... BUFFY Come on, you must have wondered... a vampire, the Slayer, I know you've thought about it. If it came down to a fight... could you take me? Why don't we find out? ANGEL I'm not gonna fight you. BUFFY No? Big strong vampire like yourself? ANGEL Buffy... BUFFY Come on. Kick my ass.

Jessica Roth

I THINK I finally got around to mentioning that Giles is basically signing Jenny's death warrant with that speech, but there's so much foreshadowing in 2.07 (Angel visiting Willow; Angel restating the invitation rules for Buffy) that I might have missed it. One thing I've been sitting on until now is this: ANGEL: Drusilla, leave here. I'm offering you that chance. Take Spike and get out. …If you don't leave, it'll go badly. For all of us. Oh, HELL YEAH. Drusilla: knocked out and possibly injured by Spike. Spike: severely injured for several months, given that part where Buffy dropped AN ENTIRE FLAMING CHURCH on his head. Also got to listen to Angel banging Drusilla so hard the Romany probably heard them back in Wallachia. Angel; Being tortured in (a) Hell, possibly forever. Should've listened, Dru. And one more from 2.01:

Jessica Roth

ANGEL (to BUFFY): You're not as strong as you think you are. Wrong, Brood Boy. When it comes down to it, she's stronger. ("Me.") Enjoy the burning, chump.


yeah sometimes very specific shots are made when they stay focused the entire sentence instead of panning away halfway through and usually that is some type of foreshadowing! not always easy to catch but caught this one LOL and yesss unfortunately because of years of watching Bones LOL angel juts became a natural point of conversation. still glad i never watched tho!