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well... another creature from my list, kinda? 😂


Buffy Season 2, Ep 20 - Go Fish

Vidyard video


El Diablo Robotico

I think Go Fish is hilarious - some really good lines

Jessica Roth

Trivia: The actor playing "Sean", the last of the Fish-Men, is Shane West. You probably have seen him in stuff, too. Sean Murray and Shawn Clement were pretty much out of the musical score game by now, but they did this one, because Christophe Beck had to work on the finale. Distribution of labor, and all. Another great sweater for Xander (opening scene). Seriously, where does he get all of them? And that is a cake tray at the Bronze (something more for the snack menu)…but that's not a cake inside of it. It's several boxes of animal crackers; presumably a shout-out to the absent Oz. (Seth Green was off filming a movie. "Idle Hands", I think.)


It's got some good parts but the odd placement in the season as well as all of the uncomfortable references in it really drag it down. But Cordy's speech to Fish Xander will forever be one of my favorites. And the small part by Shane West, love him in Once and Again. An excellent and beautiful show that was cancelled before its time. We are finally at the finale with a two parter next week!!!! Color me mega excited. Are you going to do a season 2 final thoughts after that?

Jessica Roth

(I would edit this in, above, but we know Patreon HATES when I edit, so…) Very amusing that you did that little digression on how sharks hate the taste of human flesh…and then the plot turns on Angel spitting out Gage's blood. Darcie's Psychic Powers for the win! And Happy Harvest! (Does mean you have to wear a Mercedes-Benz symbol on your forehead and be a "vessel"? I hope not.)


I do enjoy this episode, despite how anticlimactic it is. Which is mainly due to it's placement in the season. But no matter the episode you make my Tuesdays brighter :)


Well, this was certainly an episode! And that's all I have to say about that. Okay, okay--so I'm really not a fan of this episode, and I tend to agree with the general fandom consensus that it's one of the worst of Season 2. (You're right to say that it feels kind of like a Season 1 episode--in fact, my understanding is that it started out as a leftover script from Season 1, much like Killed by Death.) However, like all of the "bad" episodes of Buffy, it has its share of cute and funny character moments, like Willow interrogating Jonathan (who finally gets a name in this ep!), Buffy trying and failing to inconspicuously tail Young Michael Scofield, and Cordelia monologuing at "Xander" the Fish Man. But there are also some bad character moments--Buffy's friends acting dismissive of her after Snyder gets on her case for defending herself against Cameron really rubs me the wrong way, for example. All in all, if I could excise the good parts, spread them across the rest of the season, and delete this episode entirely, I probably would haha. Unfortunately I don't have that power, and even if I did, most of the good parts of this episode are actually pretty intimately tied to the main plot, so it would be hard to move them elsewhere in the first place. On the bright side, though, there are now 0 episodes to go before the finale! Fasten your seatbelts, everyone...

Svetlana Grabar

I would loveeee it if you made an official creature list :D


One of my favorite episodes. I know the majority hate it, but I just find it so fun, unique and so totally 90s that it's perfect. Also, some of my most loved one-liners happen in this episode. I agree that it belongs much earlier in the series, but I still think it's great.


I understand this is more of a season 1 type of Buffy episode but these fish jokes kill me everytime. They just bang all of them out in this episode. I think that is the only reason why I kinda enjoy it


Was that “cake” a bunch of animal cracker boxes stacked on top of each other? Or am I just crazy? 😂 I never looked at the cake until you mentioned it, makes me wanna pay more attention to the background stuff now. I think peoples main issue with this episode is the placement, which I don’t mind a fillery type of episode before the season finale. It’s a nice break, considering what Angel has been up since he became Angelus again I think any break is well deserved. I’m excited we’re finally at the end of season 2. 🎉

Richard Lucas

1) I think you are right, and future reactors should be told to watch 20 before 19, what do you guys think? then spike standing leads right into the fjnale! 2). did you notice this coach was on the show before? in season one, episode 6 (the hyena episode), during the dodge ball scene. i love that they bring actors back like that! 3) Darcie, since the finale is a two parter, would you consider reacting to both parts back to back? And post Tues and Wednesday. Please?


If it is animal crackers I wonder if it’s an Oz thing. Like the bronze keeps them in stock for him. It seems like a random thing for a club to have since animal crackers tend to be a very child like snack.

Jessica Roth

Jonathan was first named in "Reptile Boy". But yeah, most of Danny Strong's parts since that haven't been for "Jonathan" specifically; Danny just kept getting cast. (He's "Hostage Kid" in WML 2 and the "students" in "Passion" don't even have their genders specified in the script, much less intending "Jonathan" for the moment. But here they wanted Jonathan because he'd been established as a smaller student, the type Dodd might pick on.)

Jessica Roth

I don't know…Giles is pretty strung out in 19 and here he's back on his game, so flipping the two might be discontinuous, emotionally. Yeah, we have to wait a week for more Spike, but anticipation builds excitement, or something like that. JMO. It's actually a different coach in "The Pack". That's Gregory White as Coach Herrold; this is Charles Cyphers as Coach Carl Marin. In the same genre, but hopefully Coach Herrold was not also a homicidal maniac. As a practical matter, Charles Cyphers was a veteran character actor (he's the Sheriff in the "Halloween" movies, including the new one at age 82!) and while his fee won't break the bank, a show that's just beginning and had a tight budget wouldn't waste Cyphers on a one-scene part, I wouldn't think.


So he was! I could have sworn this was the first time he was referred to by name, but sure enough, Cordy calls him by name way back in Reptile Boy. The more you know!


I hate this episode with the fire of a thousand suns, but once again, you've made it enjoyable Darcie! I hope you had a wonderful Harvest dinner with your family. Can't wait for next week!


YES! shane west! i think i knew him from a walk to remember mostly. and the nurse? she was SUPER familiar but i couldnt place where i knew her from. OMG ive seen idle hands! the one with devon sawa! what a cool tidbit ive been wondering where Oz has been!


i think i will! i liked doing the thoughts video after season 1 so i think ill do it again! but likely not until im back to my place! :)


the fish jokes were ACES this episode and that final scene is the best ive ever seen sooooo i guess i dont hate it too much? positives, right?


LOL i love props, so im always peeking around to see what they place in the scenes... and ... i dunno if its animal crackers cause its just a whole cake to me! always LOL


yeah i do wish spike standing up was my lead in to the episode... although to be honest its been how many days and i havent lost my excitement over it so maybe its not so bad? i just feel like it wouldve flowed a bit better! AND yes richard absolutely i am filming both in one day and posting tues AND wednesday next week!! yay!

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid) (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-28 03:12:33 I'm way behind and I don't have much to say because I hate this episode despite there being some really good stuff in it - Cordy's speech, Giles somehow persuading the entire swim team to be locked in his book cage lol BUT that scene where the gang isn't interested in Buffy's 'I'm the one being blamed' speech is SO ooc - are you telling me that every one of them wouldn't be lined up to punch that guy? Terrible writing >:( And Buffy making rape jokes just turns my stomach and makes me doubt EVERY good intention this episode had to show that women get blamed for being assaulted. The BEST thing is Giles' new accessory in his tie, but more on that later (in a comment on an episode that actually deserves thought). It's a pity because the episode is funny and a cool idea but I just can't :(
2021-10-24 15:04:39 I'm way behind and I don't have much to say because I hate this episode despite there being some really good stuff in it - Cordy's speech, Giles somehow persuading the entire swim team to be locked in his book cage lol BUT that scene where the gang isn't interested in Buffy's 'I'm the one being blamed' speech is SO ooc - are you telling me that every one of them wouldn't be lined up to punch that guy? Terrible writing >:( And Buffy making rape jokes just turns my stomach and makes me doubt EVERY good intention this episode had to show that women get blamed for being assaulted. The BEST thing is Giles' new accessory in his tie, but more on that later (in a comment on an episode that actually deserves thought). It's a pity because the episode is funny and a cool idea but I just can't :(

I'm way behind and I don't have much to say because I hate this episode despite there being some really good stuff in it - Cordy's speech, Giles somehow persuading the entire swim team to be locked in his book cage lol BUT that scene where the gang isn't interested in Buffy's 'I'm the one being blamed' speech is SO ooc - are you telling me that every one of them wouldn't be lined up to punch that guy? Terrible writing >:( And Buffy making rape jokes just turns my stomach and makes me doubt EVERY good intention this episode had to show that women get blamed for being assaulted. The BEST thing is Giles' new accessory in his tie, but more on that later (in a comment on an episode that actually deserves thought). It's a pity because the episode is funny and a cool idea but I just can't :(