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hi i hate this episode 🙃

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Buffy Season 2, Ep 17 - Passion

Vidyard video


Jessica Roth

Before I discuss foreshadowing, I should talk about something I don't think is foreshadowing. Joss only writes a year in advance, and this is Ty King's script. So I think this is just coincidence. But still… From their last conversation: RUPE: Working late? CAL: Special project. From Ms Calendar's debut episode 1.08 (aka "I'm a RAM, dammit! Not a rhino!"): CALENDAR: Say, Fritz, you and Dave are logging a scary amount of computer time. FRITZ: Special project. CALENDAR: Ooh. Will I be excited? FRITZ: You'll die. Oh, and how did Moloch kill people? (Including Fritz.) By SNAPPING NECKS. As I say, I don't THINK this was foreshadowing. But…

Briony Addey

I love this episode, and Angelus' cruelty to Giles is torturous. But I hate that headstone with her fake name on it, and there's part of me that hates the centering of Giles grief, when Jenny (Yana) has had her life and whole future stolen from her.

Jessica Roth

From "Ted": JENNY: I've stayed out of mortal danger for three whole weeks. I could get used to it. Oh, SIGH. Little does our darling Calzone know that every third episode puts her through the wringer… 2.08-gets possessed, nearly turns to goo, is saved by Angel choking her (yikes) 2.11-awkward moments with Rupe, ending with her accidentally shooting him during the vampire attack. Ends with a nice reconciliation (and a five-week holiday break to catch up on missed "squirming"), but still. 2.14-Exposed for being a liar, Buffy climbs all over her (and not in a fun way…), her uncle is brutally murdered, and Giles drops her like a nuclear-irradiated potato 2.17-"This is the end, beautiful friend. Of our elaborate plans, the end. Of everything that stands, the end. No safety or surprise, the end. I'll never look into your eyes again."

Jessica Roth

One of the Beautiful Lines of BtVS is in this episode. BUFFY: He misses you. And I don't want him to be lonely. I don't want anyone to. Buffy feels Giles's pain because she's suffering, too. And she is such a kind soul that she wouldn't wish that on ANYONE…not even the woman she holds responsible. (Yes, Buffy knows she's being irrational in blaming Cal. But she can't help it. Not only does she visit a class she *doesn't take* just to say ZERO words to Jenny, but she's there to make sure HER Willow isn't spending extra time with the "mean teacher", either. I mean, presumably Buffy usually finds her way around the school without needing a red-headed guide. But she's drawn a line. And Willow's not allowed on the "enemy" side for more than the bare minimum. I mean, you'll notice that Willow has to APOLOGIZE to Buffy for being caught talking to Jenny. That's how hard Buffy's been making things.) So Buffy knows she has to let go of her anger. But it's not as if Buffy knows this is the last time she'll ever see Jenny, that Jenny will die tonight. That Jenny dies before the next commercial break. For all Buffy knows, if she eases up and lets Rupe and Cal reconcile, they're going to get marry and have kids (Giles is only 41, you know; he still has his virility, as the musical "1776" put it) and Buffy is going to spend THE REST OF HER LIFE visiting them and watching them be happy and putting on a smile for Rupe's sake…and still irrationally blaming Jenny and hating herself for doing so. That's what Buffy is leaving herself open to. But she does it. Because it's the right thing to do. Because Buffy Summers is a hero, bless her. And that's why I love her.

Jessica Roth

Of course, the last time I gushed about a specific line was in "Hallowe'en", where Cordelia played along with (what she thought was) one of Buffy's Stupid Lies because Buffy somehow lost her mind and got scared and needed comforting. So CC pretended that Buffy's silly lie was true, out of nothing but the goodness of her heart. What was that (beautiful) line, again? Oh, yeah… CORDELIA: It's all right. ANGEL IS A GOOD VAMPIRE. HE WOULD NEVER HURT YOU. LADY BUFFY (hopeful): Really? CORDELIA (still soothing): Absolutely. HE'S OUR FRIEND. Oy vey. And that's what we call "foreshadowing", kids. Sigh.

Steven Winthrop

After your Q&A I was like “Oh honey you got a big storm coming” 😂

Bud Haven

This is one of my most painful and well liked Buffy episodes


oh thats a good point never really thought of. ive been so curious this week in my pacing time about how we are all going to move passed this... (LOL including me now in the group of course)


I think that life knew I wasn't ready to rewatch this episode because I've just found the notification in my spams...


I thought there wasn't an episode last week! I saw you put up ep 18 in my inbox so I was freaking out that ep 17 was missing in my notifications. I'm so gonna watch this tonight! *sending late hugs*


oh no!! sorry patreon was a jerk the week of ep 17!! but hey, bright side is you get to watch 2 new eps in one week hahah! and thank you!!!

Aseneth Murphy

I canNOT believe you referenced Passions! That was one of two soaps I ever got hooked on! Then my school schedule changed and I couldn't watch it anymore. So I never saw the finale. 😕 But no one I know EVER gets the reference! Thank you so much!


LOL yes!! my mom always had passions and days of our lives taped during the day so we would watch after school haha! I think to this day i could still fully sing the opening song to passions.... funny how things stick in the brain lol


I take Joyce's side on this. All they do is lie to her and she is supposed to be ok with that? A parent has a right to know who their minor child is dating.. And since Darcie is beyond the third season, it isn't spoilery to say that we notice once they stop lying to Joyce about everything, she becomes more supportive. I definitely agree about Drusilla though, I want more Drusilla as well.

Scott Andrews

YEP! This is the episode where we learned no one is safe and to never be happy, because it gets taken away.