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Buffy Season 2, Ep 10 - What's My Line Pt. 2

Vidyard video



Ah, Part 2 goodness. I'm only sorry you didn't get your cat. But hopefully the rest made up for it. I'm a huge Xander/Cordy fan so I was so happy to see your reaction to them! They check all of my boxes for couples that I enjoy: bickering, banter trope, secondary couple that doesn't get as much focus/attention and both brunettes. It's just my thing. I was only an episode ahead of you but that's shot now. I got so into the rewatch that I just finished the last episode of season 2 last night. No spoilers from me. Lots of great one liners in this episode between Buffy and Kendra. "No wonder you died" never fails to crack me up. Also a fan of "Can we say stuck in the 80's?"

Svetlana Grabar

So many good things happened these episodes! Xander and Cordelia actually helped a lot, Willow gets some happiness, and Buffy got to bond a bit with another Slayer :) I always thought it was so cool that they added another Slayer because Buffy died. Kendra was so different and so much more of a “traditional slayer”, I imagine that’s what Giles thought he was going to get lol. So happy watching 2 of your reactions this week! :D Also I think people mentioned it before but although episodes 13 and 14 aren’t officially a 2-parter, they really should be.


I laughed so much at that reaction , I almost thought I was going to be sick . Your commentaries are hilarious and watching it with you makes me realise how even 25 years later this show still fuckin' rocks . Only one other show compares but I won't say yet cos of spoilers .Thing is you haven't even got to the good stuff yet . So glad that you didn't quit after the pilot , this show was made for you .

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

That has to be the best reaction to The Kiss ever :D I must admit I love those two dorks!! I also really like Kendra and the contrast between her and Buffy. And maybe Buffy has her phone number so they can have a chat about slayer stuff. I also like the implied differences between Giles and Mr Zabuto, Kendra's slayer. Most reactors are all over Giles in season 1, 'why is he so strict? Let her cheerlead, let her have a boyfriend etc' and, whilst they're not wrong, it's only now that we realise that in fact Giles was making a LOT of compromises we didn't know about at the time. In fact, I think throughout this episode he's a little nervous about what Kendra will be telling her watcher about the set up in Sunnydale. I mean, he pretty much appears to have broken every rule in the Slayer Handbook lol Dru is a QUEEN in this episode, unhinged, vicious, and then STRONG. SO GOOD 😍 And Willow and Oz 🥰

David Meadows

I've been constantly amazed how much you picked up on them telegraphing Cordelia/Xander. I mean, I knew it was coming and I still didn't pick up the cues, but you were pointing out their interactions and body langauge in every episode and I was like ... how did I miss all this foreshadowing??? It's obvious they're going to hook up!!

Darrell Palmer

I agree…but we still have episodes 11 and 12 before that. Hey, I don’t have anything else to do today. Let’s keep this going 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Ghost girl D bye and hellooo strong, powerful Dru!


I’ve been waiting for your reaction to Cander scenes for so long 😂 Cal definitely needs another vacation after what happened in Dark Ages. Oz taking a bullet for Willow 😩 this is the man she deserves. She dru raise up out of the rubble like that, love 👌 can’t wait for more of her.

Phoenix Dawn

I am so glad I found someone else who is obsessed with that final scene! How cool does that look!

Jessica Roth

Grrr, it's so annoying when Patreon eats my comments. Sigh. Okay, take 2. Yes, you can't believe how much we've been biting our lips since you first started catching the C/X chemistry. And don't you know not to joke with this show by now? It's your fault they kissed, lol! Okay, probably not. It's particularly appropriate that Bianca Lawson shows up in the same episodes that feature a Cordelia development, since…Bianca was originally cast as Cordelia. Recall that Sarah Michelle Gellar was originally in the role, but when they couldn't find the Buffy they wanted (Katie Holmes being underage), Joss made the very wise decision to move SMG to the title role, but now they needed a new Cordy. Bianca was cast but then she had "other commitments" and couldn't take the role. EXCEPT…George Snyder (Joss's assistant; the Principal was named for him) says that actually the WB didn't want an interracial couple. (Still the '90s, alas.) So, Bianca was replaced by Charisma Carpenter. Does this mean X/C was always planned? Uncertain; it might only have been a possibility. And presumably Cordelia would eventually date *someone*, so this would have been an issue, regardless. It's just cool to see Kendra stuttering around Xander and realize that if casting had gone differently, SHE could have been the Cordy he was kissing. (Or to watch Buffy grind on Xander in 2.01 and imagine SMG as Cordelia, for that matter.)

Jessica Roth

Good question about how much light is needed to burn Angel. I think it has to be direct light for a certain period; a build-up to combustion, as it was. So if there was a solid steel cabinet in there, Angel could hide behind it…but only for a while. Eventually the room would get too suffused with light. It's intriguing that an episode that both starts and ends with Angel weak and whimpering actually shows his strength. (I always think this is important, since Angel's redemption arc doesn't play so well if he wasn't actually the badass they've been talking about.) He resists Drusilla's torture, which happens because (we learn) he slaughtered her entire family. And yet he still nearly turns the tables on Spike, trying to provoke him by talking about Spike's sexual inadequacy. Which, you'll notice, Drusilla doesn't dispute. I mean, Spike TRIES. He takes care of Drusilla, he proclaims his love, he speaks poetically to her ("my black goddess! My ripe, wicked plum!), he kisses her arms, he buys her presents, he dances with her. But Drusilla just likes it more hardcore than that. (I mean, she SAID "branding iron". Pay attention, Spike!) And whose work is that? Angel's. Now we see what he's dealing with, fighting to control that demon inside him, every day. It's what makes him a powerful character, IMO…lack of manners and dubious fashion choices notwithstanding. (Although I liked his black shirt in this one.) So now Angel's two "Angels" will face off; the devil he created and the Slayer he inspired. Has potential. Which isn't to say I want Spike gone yet. Yes, he ran away again, but saving Drusilla is the best reason he has. (And Buffy didn't let him go, this time.) I'm just sad you missed one of his great lines…telling Willy that he's going to take Angel for dinner and a movie, "I don't want to rush; I've been hurt before." LMAO. Now you see where all the fanfic (and my jokes) come from. I blame Spike; HE's the one who brought up Anne Rice (back in "School Hard"), after all. And speaking of homosexuality, I would love to see a bisexual Buffy, too. Even Willy sensed the "tension" between the Slayers, after all. When Buffy gets in Kendra's face about "feeling" her emotions, I always imagine THEM falling into the same kiss as Xander and Cordelia. But if the WB wouldn't want Bianca kissing Nick Brendon, they DEFINITELY wouldn't do interracial lesbian kissing. Damn it, '90s… Style note: I'm not a big fan of the pastel outfit Cordelia wears for the first half of the episode, but I love her bangs in her final scene. Now if I could just figure out why she and Xander are having a "private" conversation with the classroom door wide open and what looks like half the school passing by in the hall. Way to keep your kissing "secret", kids. Oh, and did you spot Dan the extra in Buffy's law-enforcement group? Hope Patrice didn't scare him out of a potential career.

Teresa Schultz

I just binged your reactions from ep 4 to this one, and I have missed you! I had some issues with my paycheck and had to let my subscriptions expire, but I’m back now. What a freaking great reaction. So much more to come and I can’t wait!


hahaha i really did want my cat moment but so much other stuff happened that im not too too mad about it ;) i am so excited to see how this xander/cordelia little romance goes HAHA i didnt even think it would actually happen so this is so fun for me! and no wonder you died was one of my fave lines definitely haha


honestly!! they saw that loophole and said YUP lets do it, another slayer lol. i really liked seeing the contrast it was so interesting to show how you can approach a job/life with different perspectives and ideas, i really enjoyed it!!


LOLOL thank you LR! honestly, this show gives me something new each episode i feel and i know i say this ALL the time but man, its a lot of fun! so glad i didnt quit after the pilot too :D


HAHAHA someone else mentioned it somewhere but i should really learn not to joke with this show! yeah the contrast between the two and the two opposite approaches was really cool to see, i enjoyed it a lot! oh thats interesting that they saw it that way - i guess i didnt see him as too mean but i thought more they were learning how each other work and how to communicate with each other! but fair! and yeaaaahhh we dont really play by the rules here do we - its a bit more fun this way tho. IM READY for strong dru SO ready!! and hopefully we see Oz again soon and he doesnt disappear for like 10 episodes hehe


HAHA i mean i wasnt sure it would even happen i was just like oh this is cute and WELL, turns out they really were purposefully doing that ahhh so fun tho!


i had a good giggle thinking about how you all KNOW ABOUT THIS and i dont im just makin jokes and yall are like yeah... just you wait hahaha! and yes i hope cal is soaking up the sun in Mexico but then we need her back, i need them to make up!!


DARN i hate when patreon eats your comments too! im sorry :( I KNOW! yall are so good at this lol it would have KILLED me to keep my mouth shut about something i knew about haha but i guess thats the fun of it too right?! awe man that is awful about the interracial couple issue, the 90s was a rough time for diversity. we still have a ton of work to do too, but its getting there. this is such an interesting nugget though about her stuttering around xander! knowing the backstory of the casting makes it a cool little moment to think about!


YEAH! i wasnt sure about the sunlight like i assumed covering up with a jacket or blanket or something wouldnt be enough but wasnt sure how it went! thats a good point about his character and showing how much he fights to control that inner demon, it might be why i find him so stand offish and kinda rude. its hard to like a character like that but i can agree that it shows his strength for sure! appreciate this comment so much. yeah the 90s are really putting a damper on the diversity id like to see! LOL it would be nice to see other gender experiences too but i know thats a pretty recent thing that even society is experiencing openly - but definitely race diversity and sexual diversity deserved its time even in the 90s! OMG I MISSED DAN! hahaha gonna have to keep an eye open on rewatch!


EEEEK i have missed you too! and dont worry at all - i do the same with my patreon subs, just come and go as you need! reactions will always be here :D

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Yes, you are so right (IMO lol) season 1 is Buffy and Giles negotiating how to work together. They go from fairly combative in 1x1 to both being willing to die for each other in 1x12 But I think some people just want him to let her do anything...which of course would be lovely, poor girl :(

Sophia Connolly

Not to spoil anything... (I don’t think this would even really be a spoiler if I said who) but throughout both the show and the additional seasons in the comics, several characters are queer. This show also was I believe the first to display a lesbian kiss, sex scene, and open queer relationship on network tv.

Jessica Roth

It would indeed be a spoiler, so I'm glad you refrained. (And only one of those "firsts" was actually on this series.)