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sorry i am so late on this, i know we actually hit 100 patreons a little bit ago but THANK YOU ALL so much for being here! 

i don't want to get too sappy on the timeline even though i am a bit of a sappy person - so i will try and keep this short. i just want to say how much fun i am having here, i love this little community so much. when i started this patreon, i had no idea i would meet so many cool and funny and supportive people. 

this has quickly become my favourite part of my weeks (both on sundays when i record and on tuesdays when i post!) and i still can't believe i get to do this. :) so thank you SO much for 100 and for making the donation to The Trevor Project possible! in the donation itself says it was made on behalf of The Buffy The Vampire Slayer community and i think that's super cool.

SO time for the next goal! when we hit 200 patreons, i want to split the $100 donation this time and donate $50 to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society which helps provide essential services to survivors including counselling and health support. the other $50 i would like to donate to The Orange Shirt Society which is dedicated to spreading awareness  about residential schools across Canada - and is leading the Every Child Matters movement. you can read about both organizations here! 



thank you all again SO much!! i can't express how much your support means to me i just freakin love you all. <3 




You’ve become one of our favorite parts of the week too! Great choice in organizations to support! With as fast as your Patreon has been growing I’m sure you’ll hit that goal in no time!


You've quickly become my favorite reactor and I'm so glad I subbed to be a part of these donations. I love these new organizations! Keep up the great work, your enthusiasm and joy is infectious and watching them is the favorite part of *my* week.

Patrick Lyke

I am so happy the youtube algorithm was able to introduce me to your premier episode reaction and knew I'd be hooked right away! Your personality on camera just shines through and you quickly became a highlight of my week...when I'm at work and get a notification you posted I count down the hours until I can get home, settle back, and enjoy! I already knew I'd subscribe when you created the channel but the donation for a great cause was a no-brainer for me :) Keep on with the wonderful work!!!!


Definitely a big favorite part of my week too! And I couldn't have chosen any better causes :-) Sending you all the love and support!

Paul Stedman

Woo! Let’s keep on going to 200!!

Steven Winthrop

I look forward to Tuesdays to watch your reactions! Can’t wait to continue this long crazy journey with you!


DUDE no *I* am so happy the YT algorithm hooked me up and introduced me to YOU and all these other wonderful people 😌😌


I so look forward to your reactions and discussing them after. By far my favourite reactor and a genuinely awesome person. So glad I had the opportunity to meet you :)