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Buffy Season 2, Ep 2 - Some Assembly Required

Vidyard video


Jessica Roth

Okay, so this is the micro-spoiler that I hope I wasn't too hard on Sarah when I shushed her about it back when Ms. Calendar first appeared: she called Ms. C "Jenny" and we don't learn that until here. It wasn't so much giving the name away, but the fact that it wasn't mentioned back in 1.08 is a clue that Jenny comes back, and I didn't want to spoil that for you. Also, technically, she wasn't "Jenny" then. The script for "I Robot, You Jane" calls her "Nikki" Calendar. Allegedly this got changed when they realized that since Nick Brendon plays Xander, a "Nikki" character might cause some confusion on set. (This happens, occasionally. You may know the actress Holly Marie Combs from "Pretty Little Liars" or the original "Charmed". The reason she uses all three names is that in her first series, "Picket Fences", she co-starred with Lauren Holly ["Dumb and Dumber"] and they wanted to avoid confusion between the two. Of course, what makes that story all the more fun is that Holly Marie and Lauren Holly apparently ended up dating for a while. But "Naughty Tales of Holly-wood" is probably a bit too OT, so I'll stop there, lol.) Angel had a birthday! (He's 241 here, but he was 240 in "Angel", back in April.) What do you think Angel does for his birthday? It's got to get a bit boring after the first 200 or so, don't you think?

Jenn Rose

Your connection with Rupe is amazing haha! Also love his addition to the header image lmao. I gotta say this was probably one of the best reactions to this episode and I've seen quite a few. You really took it in stride and I could tell you enjoyed a lot of the moments/dialogue even if the episode itself was a bit whacky lol.


Thank you for making that episode so fun! I've never been sure why that is one ep people usually skip, cuz just the Scooby's banter alone is great in that one.

Jessica Roth

Production notes (I) The script is credited to "Ty King", but that's actually David Tyron King, who was the showrunner on the 1980s version of "Parenthood" (with Jason Bateman as the dad and a young Leonardo DiCaprio as one of the kids)…which was Joss Whedon's first staff writer job. King quit the business to move to Seattle and get into electronics, but Joss asked him to help out, as a favor. You can see the experience in the writing, with how balanced the character usage is. It's one reason I consider this episode an underrated pleasure: everybody gets their moments. Even Cordelia, who's sometimes marginalized, is a damsel for Buffy, is actually rescued by Xander, talks Science Fair with Willow, manipulates Angel, and gets a nice "there, there" from Giles, lol. Interesting thought that Angel is playing up to Cordelia to make Buffy jealous, pay her back for that dance with Xander. I don't know if he goes there consciously, but he's probably more, er, amenable to her clinging than he would be otherwise. I think there's more intent on Cordy's part; she probably feels Buffy shouldn't just assume Angel will always be waiting. Remember, last ep she said she was going to see if Angel wanted to dance with her (but then she got captured, instead.) It hasn't been established yet, either way, whether Cordy knows about Angel being a vampire. Another way to see how well they keep her in the loop, I suppose. (Has Giles told Jenny? Although Jenny was reviving when Angel fought Ned in vampire-face last episode; she might have seen him. Whereas Cordelia was unconscious throughout.) I agree with you (and Buffy) that Angel is unnecessarily prone to lurking. What would it have hurt for him to call out "Cordelia! Hey!" instead of scaring her? I guess it shows he still thinks like a vampire, even if he's not a killer any more. "Keep to the shadows, don't let anyone know you're there until you need to", and so on. That's been his m.o. for a looooong time; hard habits to break, I guess.

Patrick Lyke

I was so glad to see this come up for me to watch once I got home! I really appreciate how much fun you have with these episodes, even the MOTW ones. One thing you mentioned was the fight sequences - as you progress you will see how improved they get with the choreography. It is wild to see the early seasons and the improvements as the show goes on. Believe me you will not be disappointed at all! :)

Jessica Roth

Production notes (II) I'm glad you noticed the fight scenes are running longer. As I said, that's why Joss wanted a new fight coordinator. The fights last ep were by Dean Ferrandina. He did well, but Jeff Pruitt, who did this episode, has an advantage…his girlfriend is Sophia Crawford, Buffy's stunt double. I always think you can see Sophia campaigning for Jeff to get the job; she really busts out some nice side kicks during the fight. Jeff got the job. I guess Joss figured that a motivated Sophia would be a good thing. On the music front, I really like the score this episode, by Adam Fields. (Those horns during the fight? Delicious.) But the sad piano theme for Daryl is by Christophe Beck, who did 2.01. Remember, part of the reason Joss dumped Walter Murphy is because he wanted instrumental themes. As for casting, we've talked about above-age actors, but I think Ingo Neuhaus (Daryl) might take the prize. It's not that he's 27 (although that's a little old for "he would have been 19 next week"), but his life had already been so full. Ingo had been an Army Ranger (his dad was a big hero in Viet Nam before becoming a rancher) and his acting role before this was in "L.A. Confidential", playing a homicide detective. (He's Kevin Spacey's partner early on, when they're investigating the mass shooting, before Spacey goes off on his own to find out about the murdered actor.) That's quite a bit different role from "high school jock", lol.


See? This is why you're my fav reactor! I forgot this ep existed, and then you go and do your thing, and I am reminded what is so great about it. OMG, girl you made me LOL in so many spots. Thank you! I needed that. One of the things that never made sense to me watching this is why do they need to piece together a bunch of girls? Why can't one suffice? I know that's morbid as sh1t, but it makes no sense to me. Also, I think the reason Angel is wearing different clothes is because he's trying to compete with Xander which just goes to show no matter how old you are, if you still have self-esteem issues that haven't been dealt with, you're gonna still be f*cked up. I believe that is the technical term. :)


Lol loved this reaction and you cheering on Rupe and Jenny is the best! Yeah I think Angel needs to go back in his closet and take out a leather jacket


hahahaha him and i have come so far! now he's fully filled my little heart haha. and thank you!! i had a lot of fun with this one i thought it was so chaotic and i live :D


well you are MOST welcome! hahaha i'm glad you enjoyed - i don't see why people skip this one either i laughed SO much, writing was just *chefs kiss*


they give me LIFE! i hope they stay longer! i've noticed they've gotten better and i even enjoyed them in season 1 for what they were just wish they lasted longer. I can't wait for more!


🥺🥺🥺 thank you! LOL im glad others laughed too cause i thought this episode was SO funny, and with the added Frankenstein chaos, i just loved it. i was SO surprised to find out this isn't a fan fave episode! but also... good point why did they have to have...pieces of each just take the full dead gal from the car accident lol. and yes! but if he's gonna compete with xander i need the rainbow sweater first and foremost otherwise, yup back to leather jackets haha


i'm so excited for them!! so glad she is super chill and is like okay, second date please. :) and 10000% i need him to return to leather jackets asap lol


an underrated pleasure - is a perfect way to describe it! i didn't know it wasn't a fan fave of course until uploading but i really enjoyed it and i think you're right, everyone got their moments and it's so funny! i laughed a ton. yeah we've got this whole trying to make people jealous thing happening with Buffy and Angel and it's super high school, which is appropriate haha. I just hope he goes back to leather jackets soon. THANK YOU for confirming she doesn't know he's a vampire, i was thinking about it so much and was like not sure i could think of a time when she would have found out but of course i could've missed something, so thank you! and yes, we need the lurking to GO if he's ever gonna earn back some points lol :)


yes! the fight scenes keep getting better and better. i've always enjoyed them for what they are - but they keep improving which is so fun to watch! they're one of my fave parts of the episodes! oh whoa the man who played daryl was 27 that episode?! i think im getting used of all these above teenage looking actors i didn't even think about it this time! LOL


good eyes on that one! although i don't think i would have even noticed! i barely noticed this episode we learned she's jenny cause i just keep calling her cal lol but i appreciate the lookout regardless!! and jessica i think you know what i'm gonna say here....for his birthday for sure he does blood popsicles. 10000%. he might even sometimes do freezies as a little change up, some places call them freeze pops but im canadian and we speak weird in canadia so freezies LOL. probably boring though, yes hahaha


I love how even for all his years "alive" Angel is still an insecure and inexperienced lil boy with dating XD like, how do you see Buffy "dance" with Xander last episode and your takeaway is "It's the clothes. Gotta be the clothes. Imma try dressing like Xander."

Teresa Schultz

I needed this so much!! Thanks for delivering as always. Can’t wait for the next one!


I'm thinking that the dead girls all had different "parts" that were not salvageable so they had to mix and match. Yah, that's gross. 😣


LOL i missed this comment but YES! and like if you're going to dress like xander.... why pick beige? xander has wore some COOL stuff Angel come on!

fullmetallovr21 .

Giles and Willow are for sure my two faves lmao nothing could be cuter than Giles flirting with furniture

The Oracle Witch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-28 03:17:42 I came back for a rewatch after your q&a- i cant believe i misses your pinky sweater! Pinky and the brain brain brain brain lol
2021-09-15 19:49:31 I came back for a rewatch after your q&a- i cant believe i misses your pinky sweater! Pinky and the brain brain brain brain lol

I came back for a rewatch after your q&a- i cant believe i misses your pinky sweater! Pinky and the brain brain brain brain lol