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we made it! my first little taste of season 2 was.... fun lol


Buffy Season 2, Ep 1 - When She Was Bad

Vidyard video


Chas Summers

Welcome to S2 and a whole bunch of fun coming your way.

Teresa Schultz

What they (all the above) said…


Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) is 6ft 1in tall. :)

Patrick Lyke

YAAAAAY!!! This is just what I needed for when I got home!! It was funny how I never really paid attention to Giles' height, but after you made a point of it I noticed in the shot of the 4 hanging upside down over the bones you can see his hands running into the ribcage a couple times...just something to point out (and of course continuity-wise when they do the reverse shot of Buffy fighting the other vampires you see the shot of the Master's bones but no hand) :)

fullmetallovr21 .

Honestly not even just in Buffy but when you watch stuff in general like 80% of your 'jokes' turn out to be spot on predictions lmao you should keep track

Jessica Roth

Yep, now you know why we were giggling at your freakout over the bones, lol. Heh, you THOUGHT you were over wanting Willow/Xander…but it's not that easy to quit. Excellent point that somebody should have debriefed Cordelia. (It's not as if she left for Tuscany the next morning, after all.) Yes, Buffy was traumatized and Xander never wants to talk to Cordy, but Giles or Willow or even Ms. Calendar should have stepped up. Yes, it's a little odd that Buffy/Angel seem more intense than before, despite the time apart, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, etc. And Angel getting fixated isn't really a big surprise, IMO. I know that Buffy sassing Angel is meant to show how stressed she is by her "iss-yews", but I just enjoy it so much. It's not even about how I feel about Angel; he just really needs the air taken out of his tires, lol. The title here is "When She Was Bad", and Bitca Buffy really is a strain. I know one fan whose first episode was this one; she got annoyed because she thought they were trying to push this Buffy as a "cool" attitude, and turned it off halfway through. But later she went back, got into the series after all, and now this is her favorite episode. Such great work by Nick when Buffy is dancing with Xander. He manages to convey "I have an erection" and "I want to throw up" at the same time, which can't be an easy combination. The worst thing about the dance IMO is that not only is Buffy trying to hurt everyone, but she leaves without even saying goodbye to Willow. That's really cold. "The Master" never speaks in the episode, and there's no credit for Mark Metcalf, the actor who plays him. Leading to a rumor that they just put a spare Master mask on David and told him to go earn that full-time salary, lol. As I said, you can see the changes from year to year. New sets (the lounge at school, the factory), more music throughout (two guest songs, and Alison Krauss singing "It Doesn't Matter" on the sound track, and lots of instrumental themes) and you can see how the fight scenes flow now instead of being choppy as I said before. And since I wrote about it last time, I really paid attention to the clothes; you can really see Cynthia Bergstrom making the most of that larger budget, IMO. (I do think Cynthia kind of overdoes the dichotomy between Buffy and Willow in the final library scene, with Buffy wearing the skimpy top and Willow done up like a nine-year-old in the overalls. I get that she wants to show how different the characters are, but IMO it's a bit over the top. Or maybe she just wants to show why Buffy and Willow aren't dating, as Xander joked about last episode. Because that whole "date another girl and double your wardrobe" deal clearly wouldn't happen for those two, lol.) The "snacks at the Bronze" menu now includes ice cream, as we see with Willow. Since in "The Pack", Willow asks Xander if he wants to go to "the ice cream place" while they're already at the Bronze, does that mean that it wasn't available then? Did Willow lobby for them to add it? The bass player for Cibo Matto is Sean Ono Lennon, the son of John and Yoko. (When my cat showed up at my door in 2015, I was going to name him "Cibo Matto", but a trip to the vet's informed me that he already had a name, so I didn't change it.) Welcome to season 2! Enjoy the ride!


I didn't do this for Season 1, but I watched this episode last night to refresh my memory. As I watching it, there were points where I said out loud, "Darcie's not going to like that!" lol. My favorite line of this episode was when Snyder said he smelled it like a 6th sense and Giles said actually, that would be one of the five. I love his dry humor. Your feels over Giles and Buffy when he first sees her at school were adorable. I like it when they show a band singing in a show because then you know they won't change the music on you due to copy rights.

charlie ray

when buffys foot hits that bronze floor and the music drops..... what a bad b also.... is this episode what got her the role in cruel intentions!? hmmmm


If you're going to be drinking coffee through these reactions , Screen wipes will be necessary as there will be snorting and very possibly choking to come . This isn't a spoiler it's a friendly warning .


LOLOL not even kidding, in discord people have been like darcie we might need to discuss a sippy cup for your coffee... haha


LOL were you right at the parts you thought i wouldn't like?! thats so funny! i loved that line too, especially cause he doesn't even deliver it in a condescending way, just like no literally it's one of the five. obsessed. that giles face i will NEVER get over, it was so freakin cute!


hahaha that's kinda true! i did joke they were gonna eat the pig then they...ate the pig... you're right maybe i should keep track!


ooooh interesting i have to go back and watch for both of these now! i love little mistakes in shows for some reason it's so fun to find.


yesss i feel kind of validified that my gut instinct on that bones shot was right! and no you're right, i just dunno how to feel about xander and willow! one minute i'm like yes, be together the next i'm like nope nope! so much back and forth. Giles or Miss Calendar definitely could have chatted with cordelia! like just a quick hey, i know you saw lots of stuff but we gotta keep it quiet lol. good thing she didn't tell anyone but that was risky! if this was my intro to buffy i would admit it would throw me off but not enough to quit watching especially with how the episode ended. but to each their own i guess! glad they eventually went back to it. i LOVE thinking that the master was just david in a mask for this episode, that just makes me smile i dunno why hahaha. and i also like to think that yes, willow did lobby for ice cream to be added. thank you so much jessica, i'm so excited for this season!!


Never seen Cruel Intentions?! Such a classic 90’s movie and a real different role for Sarah Michelle Gellar. Might be a fun addition for your movie reviews!

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

I think Giles has given up. He's adding new teenagers to the in-the-know group daily and he's just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ might as well spread the joy ;)

Jessica Roth

Lol! To be fair, Giles doesn't interact with CC in the episode (they're only together when they're unconscious) so maybe he doesn't know what's happening. But still. Useless trivia from the script: the big hulking vampire in the flannel is "Bob", the suede-jacket guy (whom Angel slays) is "Ned", the guy Buffy kills in mid-chant is "Walt", and the girl is "Jane". The Cordelia-impersonator at the Bronze is "Tara". Giles can't be **too** lovey-dovey about Ms. Calendar as yet; he doesn't seem to know she's gone missing for over a day. Joss Whedon loves to have his plots "mirror" each other; not only do we get Buffy saying "I'm gonna kill them all" (reminding us of her scoffing at Angel's "to kill them, to kill them all" dramatics in the pilot), but he takes the physical separation of the characters in "Prophecy Girl" (Buffy on the roof v. The Master, Angel and Xander fighting vampires in the hall, while the "bookish support" players [Giles/Willow/Calendar/Cordelia] were besieged in the Library proper), and turns it into a plot point here. Neat.


Oh you MUST see Cruel Intentions! One of the best teen movies ever. She's very non-Buffy.


For the most part, yes. I kind of thought you would be more upset over Willow reacting to "the dance", but maybe that was just me. I am one of the ones that think Xander doesn't deserve Willow, but we'll save that for another day. I am so excited for you to watch this season! I will say since we've established what is what isn't a spoiler (you will meet new characters), that this is my best season ranking even though my favorite character isn't in it.


The 2nd hand embarrassment we all felt when Buffy hit the dance floor and was dancing w/Xander


you know, i was upset about it i just had to handle all the second hand embarrassment LOL and yay! i'm so excited for this season :D


If you find rich teenagers scary. But lol, no not scary at all.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

To be fair, Giles probably thought he'd come on too strong with the 'hello' and the 'yes' and the 'naked' and is so mortified he's avoiding Ms C ;)

Jessica Roth

Or perhaps he's too overcome by Naked!Calendar thoughts and doesn't want to tempt himself by looking for her in person.

The Oracle Witch

I wont say what season, but when the first Angel episode comes up in timeline, it would be AWESOME if you did both. Like Buffy Tuesday Wednesday Angel lol. *potential spoil? -- Some correlate and cross overs. So it would be hella cool to do. I wont lie im fighting the urge to rewatch it all but im tryin be a patient darcie devotee. Lol


no worries not a spoiler!! i knew angel had a spinoff and its definitely been on my radar whenever it pops up to think about doing that too!! I think it would be fun :D

Claire Eyles

Honestly, I hate the whole 'will they won't they' thing with Willow and Xander, and I also hate the idea that they're friends where one wants the friendship to be something more. In Australia it's not that uncommon for men and women to be just friends, and over the years I've had many, wonderful, incredible male friends who have been just that, a friend, no romantic attachments, no other feelings beyond just, 'this is my brother, he's a mate of mine'. So it kinda irks me a lot when a show has an opportunity to introduce a guy and girl friendship, and they decide to go the 'Ooh it could be cute and romantic route/girl pining after guy friend' route instead.


10000% agree with this!! i grew with a lot of dude friends and never had romantic feelings for any of them. i know this has been a thing for a LONG time in tv and real life - people assume men and women can't JUST be friends but i think its lame. for a while i wanted willow to get her little heart filled and have a relationship with xander but thats just changed over time LOL.

Renee Pope-Munro

Fellow Aussie, and totally agree that this appears more normalised here compared to what I've heard from my friends in the U.S

Jordan Haddow

Totally. Also, there is a reactors watch list out there. It provides an order to watch both shows that keeps the storylines in sync while also making sure the reactor switches back and forth enough to keep both shows regular. You're only in season 2, but by the time you start getting close to when Angel starts, some of the fans start getting really vocal about various watch orders. I usually recommend talking to other reactors about it instead of the fans.

Jordan Haddow

True, but considering shows live and die on the relationships in the shows, they tend to push the limits, making them where ever they can. It's all about the drama. So, I wouldn't expect a change in that anytime soon.