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hiyaaaa corn pops it's ep 5 time!!

sorry for the long outro btw, apparently i was quite chatty lol. 

have fun! 


Buffy Season 1 Episode 5 - Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

Vidyard video



Holy shittttt you are honestly my favourite reaction person now. I laugh at every single commentary you make and I'm only 8 min in!! Also, that woman was wearing a hairnet! LMAO


LOLOL OMG hahaha see i told you i can't see! haha this makes so much sense LOL i was like whatever hair spray she used i'm gonna need the name of that brand haha

Denni Caid

I am living for how much you are enjoying this show! I finally convinced one of my good friends to start watching it - we're doing the Watch Party feature on Amazon Prime so we can chat about her reactions, and coincidentally this was the first episode we watched last night. She has decided that the Master is the love child of Voldemort and the Grinch. XD

Jamie Morgan

I LOVE how into this you are ALREADY! And never apologise for long outros - honestly, this show can be so jam-packed with gold you could talk for an hour and not cover everything. We're all here for your thoughts and feelings, if you wanna rant go ahead and rant, we all love it!

Svetlana Grabar

I like you being chatty! I'm so glad you're watching the show and enjoying it, even some of the more dubious episodes. I have/am watching 5-10 buffy reactors (don't judge me, I'm ridiculously obsessed) and you're my favorite one by far. Wanted to let you know though, the video was choppy again :(

Pink Plastique

I agree with everyone else, don’t apologize for your long outro! We LOVE hearing your thoughts and opinions! The longer the better! 💗

Phoenix Dawn

Many people don’t like this episode but aside from Owen, everything is really awesome. I love the dialogue and the end reveal! And your thing about children is a very interesting point that never occurred to me before!

Erica Schaefer

Right! The weakest part of the ep is that Owen's character is just a plot device, essentially, but if we accept that and move on, it's really fun!


sweeeeet!! so many people have said this it's so nice! youtube is literally like "okay stop talking" hahah so i will keep this in mind moving forward!! :)


would NEVER judge you for that i love that you're so passionate! and well.. that im your fave hehee :) and yeah i know :( :( i think i have it figured out (again) though LOL so fingers crossed. ill get it all eventually!!


agreed, Owen was... throwing me off a lot at points i really couldn't figure him out and overall his storyline didn't overly come together in the end but the rest of the episode was so good!!!


also i really like villain mentality ... i swear im a good person tho LOL but i took an english course in university on superheroes and did a bunch of papers on villains they're just so interesting!


We’e all watched near 4 hour videos... by multiple people... don’t be so sure about the regret...

fullmetallovr21 .

Ohhh man buckle up! This is only the beginning! Whenever I rewatch this I skip around and rewatch my favorites throughout the series, and I have some controversial(?? at least I think so based on comments I've read of people thinking otherwise) opinions on some stuff in the later seasons that I'm interested in seeing your reaction to lol. Anyway as someone who started a teaching job in the year of our lord 2020, and is v stressed, I appreciate you yeeting me back to middle school. Ahh, simpler times, even if they were cringey.

Caroleann Mc Callion

I'm late ... I was ill, all better now. "I don't like him, don't like him. Shall we kill him?" Ummm, if I'd ever been pregnant had had to put my child up for adoption I'd be wondering about you right now 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

charlie ray

loveeeeeeed this!!! theres some Strong villans on the way...... trust us


okay first things first - glad you're feeling better! second.... i meannnnn im just asking the important questions right?! 🤣 🤣


HEY you made it here!! yay! oooh now im excited i wonder if we will have the same opinion! i've wondered how much my opinions differ from the normal crew cause everyone is like "season 1 sucks" and im like but....no it doesn't LOL and heyyy what a time to start a teaching job! hope all is going well!! happy to yeet ya back to middle school any time :D


Do we need to start a GoFundMe for Darcie's contact lenses? :)

Richard Lucas

I hope if you ever decide to react to a second show, you add My Hero Academia. Plenty of heroes and villains.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

So glad you enjoyed this episode, it has some of my favourite moments in season 1. And yes, that final conversation between Buffy and Giles is very important. They are basically trying to negotiate how to work together. I feel like it's a bit similar to being a new step dad, you suddenly have a relationship with this teenager who thinks 'you're not my dad you don't get to tell me what to do' and, yes, Giles has been pretty good at letting her find out on her own. And we finally get a little bit of insight into Giles too. Also, I love the looks he gives to Owen all the way through the library scene, he is SO unimpressed by the posing :D I'm so glad you apologised to him ;) And thank god for Willow!!! But also, Angel being all jealous is hysterical.

Claire Eyles

Giles and Willow are two of my favourite characters in any TV show, ever. I'm really enjoying your reactions as well. :)

darcieswatchingbuffy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-28 03:20:26 thank you!! <3 <3 and yeah im so glad rupe and i have come so far :)
2021-07-06 22:39:16 thank you!! <3 <3 and yeah im so glad rupe and i have come so far :)

thank you!! <3 <3 and yeah im so glad rupe and i have come so far :)