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Firefly Season 1 Ep 6 - Our Mrs. Reynolds

Vidyard video


Brian Harrington

UMMMMMMMMMMM okay I… listen, have I seen this show too many times? Debatable. But I have never seen that River/Simon/Game-of-Thrones scene before, or maybe I have from the DVD extras two decades ago and then immediately bleached the brain wrinkles it caused to hopefully forget it forever. But yeah that’s a deleted scene, I’m not sure where you’re watching the episodes or pulled from to download but that scene was clearly deleted for a reason, and that reason is that it is mal (bad, in the Latin). Other than that, this is one of my favorite episodes - which is always weird to say since there isn’t exactly an over abundance of episodes to choose from, every episode’s definitely in my Top 14. The rhythm the crew has with each other at this point, specifically the scene you called out at the beginning when Zoe calls them all down for funsies, is so great to see and just makes the show getting cancelled that much worse. The little hint of Mal opening up makes me want like a full Angel-style set of flashbacks stretching over the multiple seasons we don’t have. I also love the Inara/“Saffron” exchange ending with them dropping the act, followed by a small fight scene consisting of a kick, a block, a dodge, and a fall, aka pretty much the entirety of Buffy’s fight choreography in Season 1.


I agree on the deleted scene. I suspect it might have been there to give Simon and River something, as they're almost entirely absent from the rest of the episode. Otherwise, it's just jarring and doesn't really show us anything that wasn't easily inferred from the dialog in the surrounding scenes. Well... anything except the "let's get married" bit that really feels too out there even for River at this point. I can kind of see what they could have been going for comedy-wise, but as played it didn't land and was a smart deletion from the edited show.

Ms. Chuck Terry

Funniest one of the series. It was a kick watching along.