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Hey there!

Last month the progress was a little slow, we went on a vacation as well and there was some stuff in our life that impacted the development. Still, we are progressing and I would like to show you where we are right now.

The imp scene is now 100% complete and in-game. In my opinion, it turned out great! I can't wait for you guys to see it.

The next version will have the gallery feature added. You will be able to reach it from the main menu and for now, it will be automatically unlocked. Later on, I would like to have it like Drain Mansion has, unlocking the scenes as you meet enemies, with an optional switch to unlock it if you wish to just get to the good part.

Here you will be able to encounter the patrolling enemies again, watch the scenes you have already seen, or just play the animations that are in the scenes:

As to what is left until the next update:

Animations are 90% done. We have also planned out the room layouts and most of the puzzles that will be featured in the next version and most of the script is already done as well. Basically what is left is actually implementing those into the game. I think we should be able to finish it this month, but the latest is next month.

The new version should add about another half an hour of gameplay. Until then, here is a preview of the next animation featuring Anne:

See you next time when the update is ready! We are excited to get it out to you guys <3


david spychaj

Hope everything goes well keep up the good work

Udder Chaos

subbed before for Drain mansion and im back for CoC, can't wait for the message so I can try it out!