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It's almost Christmas! I hope everyone is having a great holiday. Here I am with the stuff I did in December.

Closets were a safe haven... until now. From now on, not every closet is safe, quite the contrary, some are instadeath :). A new enemy will be hiding in these closets and she won't release you if she catches the MC. There is a hint which closets are fake closets, so pay attention to it!

I added a lot of new sound effects into the game. And I mean a lot :). There were a lot of places that felt bland because sounds were missing and I think it adds a lot to the immersion. Some examples are UI buttons, doors and closets now make sounds when you interact with them, torches are quietly making burning sounds, etc.

Enemy talking is not completely random now. The game will try to select lines, that haven't been seen before and pick those. If there are no more new lines, it will reset its memory of course. This was suggested by someone on itch.io and I really liked the idea, so I implemented it into the game and also into the gallery :)

From now on, enemies will also comment on if the MC comes too quickly. They usually will find it pretty pathetic :). It is considered to be quick if the MC came before less than 25% of pleasure was accumulated. This mechanic can also be forced by quickly giving up after getting caught. This also means that every enemy in the game got 2 new lines regarding this mechanic.

And one of the most important parts of this update is an update to the android build. I fixed some bugs that were android specific and also made some optimizations. Before the grey succubus escape part was lagging on android if you pressed the jump button, now it's fine for me. Also, now it's possible to give up when caught on mobile as well, using the inventory button. Then I also updated the button layout. This was also suggested by multiple people. From now on, on mobile, there will be a separate use button, rather than having the up button on the joystick dedicated to this purpose. Buttons now also have their usage purpose written on them, which also changes depending on the context.

There are also some new tile graphics, items, and little updates, fixes. But that's pretty much it for now. The donators panel will be updated again in the next release.

I want to thank everyone for the support this year. I really didn't think so many people would be interested in my project. Also, thank you for suggesting to me how to improve the game, feedback helps me a lot. So I'll look forward to any future improvement/request as well :). Don't hesitate to write me a PM!

The next build will be released this month and after it, a new public build will be released as well.

Have a very happy holiday!



Fantastic everything, I'm extremely looking forward to the next build :D

Happy Christmas to you! ( ´ ▽ ` *)

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Hey, the text idea was me! It's awesome, especially having it in the gallery. I don't know if they were there before but some of the best moments in the game are the "Wow, you came back?" dialogues. Some dialogues are scrolling super fast and can't be read in time, I can go through and replay and list them for you if that would help you out! I'm still totally down to brainstorm ideas or even potentially help on weekends if you're interested. I don't have experience, but I've got similar skill sets for my day job.


Oh, hello there! :) There will be another of those "you came back" scenes in the next build ;) Sadly, there will always be texts that disappear too fast. The way it works, that there are some text triggers that overrides the currently shown text. For example: at 65% pleasure, she will say her of her "close to cum" text. If you get caught at 60% pleasure, first she will tell ane of her "on caught" lines, but the pleasure will quickly get to 65% so it overrides the on caught text. I think this is fine though, think of it as she interrupts her own talking, when she notices that the mc is close to cumming. Also this is why the gallery is for :) You can suggest ideas anytime here, or in DMs! I would like to hear them :)