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I'm posting the changes in the new build now. Expect it uploaded tomorrow (CEST). I'll also be going to release V1.0.1 to the public sometime early October.

V1.0.2 changes:

- New enemy:

- Grey-haired succubus: She is small and she doesn't like it when others look down on her :). She has 2 animations. One when she catches you normally and one when she catches you while you are bound by a rope trap.

- New scenes:

- Blonde succubus got a new scene in one of the new maps. She will be closed and she will try to ask you to let her out... Will you though? :)

- Grey succubus has a lot of alternate scenes. She also made you a little trap later after you encounter her. She is also encounterable after you left the area.

- Android support!

- Rope traps added.

- 5 new maps added.

- 3 new items added.

- When you have a specific item, it is now possible to double jump.

- Added animation gallery. It is accessible from the main menu.

QOL Changes:

- Made map transitions much faster and fluid.

- While fading maps, now the UI elements fade out as well.

- It is now possible to go back to the main menu from the pause menu in-game.

- Reworked inputs. Read more in the README or in the tutorial.

- Pause menu got a background.

- There is now a flash and a popup text after using the save station or the bed.

- Library secret teleport now activates on touch.

- Made some enemies literally inescapable. Before if you somehow managed to empty the escape meter, you could escape them, now it's impossible.

- Now the player has a separate animation while pushing crates.

- BUGFIX: I'm now pretty sure that I managed to fix the item and inventory bugs that been haunting the game since the first release...



Oo awesome, that cat girl sounds like she’ll be great, definitely looking forward to it. :D