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Hello guys!

This time I wanted to talk about the specific changes that were made in the game. I made a lot of quality of life changes, like adding small icons above usable items and switches. Switches will have a small hand icon and the places where you can use items will have a question mark above them. I hope this will help a little bit in dark areas, I heard some of the players not seeing a switch because it was too dark. I also added the ability to flash the screen, so now when you are caught and when the MC cums, short white flashes will happen. I think this looks cool in practice and makes the game slightly more polished. I also made the enemy talk text a tiny bit smaller, so I can write longer sentences (previous character limit was 50, now it is 70). This lets me add more character to an enemy.

Now about the dungeon part. I drew a lot of tiles for this part and I will draw some more later on. I think it turned out pretty cool. This will be the starting area of the dungeon and the safe room.

I implemented Pressure Plates, which operate the way you would expect them to. I hope I can make some fun puzzles with them in the future.

Another big change is in the main menu. I added a version number, a Patreon link, and the most important part, an options menu. Now you can set some stuff like resolution and music/sound volume. These settings should get saved and load automatically when you start the game. The tutorial button had to go, there wasn't enough place for it, so now the game starts at the tutorial map instead of the beginning of the game. I think this is fine since it is very short.

And finally, I put the new enemy into the game. I plan to add another enemy in August's build, but I haven't decided yet who it will be. I will probably make a poll for it where you guys can decide which one should be the second enemy in this month's build :). I will also post this pic to my twitter.

I think I made a ton of work this month... You guys gave me a ton of motivation, I'm very thankful for that. The game got a much better reception than what I could ever imagine, and I will continue working on it in the future. I however want to emphasize that I was on holiday this time which let me work on the project much more than I normally would. I may not be able to keep up this pace in the future, but I will try my best. :)

Thank you again for supporting my project, I wouldn't be here without your trust and support!



Awesome update man, seriously cannot wait to play the new build! Looking forward to that poll as well! :D