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Hey there!

It's been a while since our last report, so here we go again! We got back from Japan, it was a wonderful experience and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone who can afford to travel there. Even though most of our time was spent exploring the land of the rising sun, we still made pretty decent progress with the new update.

First of all, we are done with the planning of puzzles, story, and events of the new area. This is usually much more time-consuming than one would think. I wanted to make the Imp's area unique and first I had a hard time coming up with something that would properly show her character. But in the end, I think I succeeded in figuring out a gimmick that truly fits our beloved playful blue girl. Anne's theme was illusions and the Imp's theme will be temptation. I don't want to say much, but she will try to tempt the player into situations and if they can't resist, she will be harder and harder to resist in the future.

With that said, let's get to animations. Since my break, I've been able to produce more artwork and animations than before. What a shocker to find out that if you rest you can work more seamlessly. In the next version, Anne will receive a blowjob scene. You can see the animation here:

And I also have a new scene in the works with the Imp! Can you guess how the player gets into this situation?

Other than these two, I have some more in the works and I think they'll be worth the wait. I'll see you guys in the next devlog, where I'll show more of the animations.



The blowjob scene looks great! And also like the scene with the Imp. I presume the player gets in the situation by seeing something on the other side and trying to reach for it. Only for him to get stuck and the imp taking advantage.