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Hello guys! Tomorrow's chapter is ready and will be published as every Thursday, but, last week there was a power outage of 8 hours in my house so I got a little behind with the comic and the pages of the doujinshi so maybe the chapter of the Monday is a little late! I will try to keep that from happening but just in case, I want you to be notified! Among other things I have good news! Because I need more hours to work on the comic, I am training my mother to replace me at work in the store, so when she is ready, she will go to work in my place, so I will have more free time to draw ! If everything goes well I will be able to update again 3 times a week! That makes me very happy since this would not be possible without your great support! Thanks to the money I raise every month in Patreon I don't need to work in the store anymore! And next year I will be able to fulfill my dream of taking my mother to Rome to know the Colosseum! : ´) I have many future projects! Like make physical copies of the doujinshis and make key chains with the characters of Tusk AO! I hope that when that happens, you buy them! Hahaha! That's all! Thanks for your support! I love you!


Yuki Ookami

I definitely will be buying them. Love u hun and hope u enjoy your trip


Nice!! I’m very excited and always rooting for you. And of course! I’ll definitely buy them, just let me know when... By the way you will LOVE Rome! I just went to Rome a few months, and it was AMAZING!! 😍 I really do love Colosseum. Go inside there and take a look, you’ll love it 😊 and there are all kind of wonderful places like Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, etc, etc, etc... Use Hop-on Hop-off (I think it is very convenient to go around with that) be careful tho, there are some people doing pick-pockets. They almost got me once, but luckily, my mom was there with me behind my back, so they ran away. Oh my gosh! I am sorry, I’m so excited and talk to much. I will stop from here 😁 anyway... enjoy your trip and have fun!