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A while later, seven naked women could be seen resting on a bed, and while three of them were straight-up knocked out from exhaustion, three were leaning against the bed's frame, sitting next to each other with their upper bodies exposed, while the last one was resting her head on the thighs of the one sitting in the middle with an almost cat-like smile on her face. 

"Well, just to get the story straight: You invaded Seireitei, terrorized the city, and in the process of doing so, you somehow managed to seduce one of Seireitei's highest-ranked people without any consequences?

Following that, you went to Hueco Mundo and continuously talked down on Aizen while yet again luring one of the highest-ranked people inside your bedroom, yet again suffering no consequences?"

"Mhh, yeah, that's about right. Well, there is nothing straight about that story, but that is beside the point."

While Yuna was still stroking the head of Hinata, who was lying on her thighs, Harribel, who was sitting on Yuna's right side, could only sigh deeply as she decided to give up on understanding how Yuna's mind worked.

It was already bad enough that she had spent a night with Yuna, who was a human, but now she even went so far as to spend some time in bed with a pure Shinigami, and to make matters even worse, it wasn't just any Shinigami, but a captain-level one.

'Haven't I already betrayed Aizen? Now that I think about it, when did I stop using "sama"?'

[Who cares? I'll say it again: Stop bothering with that loser and follow Yuna instead. Frankly, I would prefer if you didn't follow anyone, but if I were to choose between Yuna and that pompous bastard, the choice is rather obvious.]

Hearing her Zanpakuto Spirit yet again insulting Aizen, Harribel really didn't know what to say. The invasion of Las Noches started around a day ago, and by now, it was rather clear that Aizen didn't really care about the Arrancar, as they were defeated left and right, while Aizen clearly didn't give a shit about the death of his Arrancar.

Seeing the conflicted expression on Harribel's face, Retsu, who sat at Yuna's left side, couldn't help but chuckle in amusement.

"Well, no need to think about this too deeply. Just go with the flow and enjoy the ride."

Frankly, Retsu always enjoyed the nights she spent with Yuna, but this time, things were a little bit different. All kinds of things had happened, and while that was happening, Retsu found out something rather interesting about herself: She absolutely loved bullying Harribel's three little Fraccion in the bedroom.

Normally, that kind of action would obviously lead to Harribel herself stepping in to help her little followers, but the problem was that Harribel herself had similar interests as well. So, as long as no one was getting actually hurt, Harribel would not only not stop Retsu but would actually participate.

Well, the scene of a Shinigami Captain and an Arrancar Espada teaming up to bully a bunch of Arrancar certainly was a unique one, so Yuna had nothing to complain about.

'Haa~ As the harem expands, the degeneracy increases. Just as planned.'

[Sometimes I wonder if every woman you pick up is a pervert from the start or if there is some kind of pheromone you emit that turns them into perverts.]

'Well, I just have an eye for picking up women of culture.'

[Last time I looked it up, "degenerates" was pronounced differently, but sure, whatever.]

Yuna's inner conversation aside, Harribel heard Retsu's words and could only nod in agreement. Somehow, Yuna's presence made a lot of things that should be utterly impossible possible.

Hell, just now, she had sexual intercourse with a Shinigami, who by all means should be an enemy Harribel was supposed to fight to the death.

As those thoughts passed through her mind, Yuna's hand gently landed on her shoulder, drawing Harribel's attention. And, as if Yuna had read her mind, she answered Harribel's unasked question... somewhat.

"Don't worry about it, Harribel. Degeneracy shall unite the world, ultimately bringing peace to all nations."

[That sounds rather different from what you told Pain.]

'Who the hell is Pain?'


Meanwhile, in another part of Las Noches, Tatsuki was facing a rather interesting enemy. He was called Rudbornn Chelute, and despite being an Arrancar, his mask was still fully intact and looked like a bull's skull. Additionally, ten lightning-like appendages that had things that looked like fruits on them grew out of his back after he released his Zanpakuto. These appendages allowed him to endlessly create more soldiers that would be completely under his control, basically turning him into a one-man army.

As Tatsuki's laver-covered fist smashed into the face of yet another of those soldiers, killing him instantly, she couldn't help but frown as her gaze wandered over the seemingly endless sea of enemies in front of her.

'Damn, this is so annoying!'

As Tatsuki smashed another soldier into pieces, she couldn't help but curse her enemy again and again. She came here to fight strong people and not to fight an endless sea of worthless goons.

Her fist caused another enemy to explode into white goo, and Tatsuki could only curse again and again for not bothering to develop any further techniques. So far, punching and kicking with her arms and legs as always been enough, but now that she faced a massive hoard of weak enemies, she really wished that she had worked on developing some kind of technique that affected a larger area.

As another two goons perished from one of Tatsuki's kicks, Rudbornn spawned another four, causing Tatsuki to curse him internally.

'F*ck this shit; I'll just treat this as training to fight a massive hoard of enemies while preserving my strength. Surely at some point, some will pop up that can use large area-of-effect attacks.

Simultaneously at a different place, Kenpachi was staring down at Nnoitra, who was currently lying on the ground in a bloody puddle.

"Well, I guess I wasn't holding back enough. What a disappointment."

Hearing Kenpachi's words, Nnoitra clenched his teeth so hard that they almost shattered as he shakily got up from the ground while staring daggers at Kenpachi.

"Don't celebrate too early, SHINIGAMI! I still have this: [PRAY, SANTA TERESA]!"

Suddenly, powerful Spiritual Pressure exploded out of Nnoitra, while the wounds he had received so far were mostly closed due to the increase in power. Moments later, he revealed his new form, this time wielding four huge scythes in his four arms.

Feeling Nnoitra's Spiritual Pressure washing over him, Kenpachi couldn't help himself as a smile appeared on his face.

"That Spiritual Pressure isn't too bad~"

As soon as he stopped speaking, he shot toward Nnoitra with a crazed smile on his face. However, his downward attack was easily blocked by two of Nnoitra's scythes, followed by his other two weapons moving, leaving two gushes on Kenpachi's body.

However, Kenpachi was undeterred by his wounds and simply continued the assault like the madman he was, splattering his blood everywhere.

Unfortunately, during Kenpachi's relentless assault, Nnoitra revealed another hidden trick: Two additional arms.

While Kenpachi was concentrating on the four arms he could see, the other two launched a sneak attack, resulting in Nnoitra's hand piercing through Kenpachi's body, causing Kenpachi to stagger backward.

"Hahaha! What's wrong, SHINIGAMI!? Not so arrogant anymore, are we!?"

Kenpachi kept quiet for a while as he inspected the body hole in his torso. Seeing that and thinking that Kenpachi was despairing, Nnoitra was about to taunt him some more, but before he could do so, Kenpachi raised his head, revealing a twisted smile.


While Nnoitra was dumbfounded due to Kenpachi's words, Kenpachi removed the seal on his right hand, causing his Spiritual Power to increase significantly. He briefly pondered removing another one but decided against that.

'One should be enough~ I don't want to make this too easy.'

Grinning widely, Kenpachi approached the frowning Nnoitra, and moments later, he vanished, causing Nnoitra's eyes to widen in shock.

He barely managed to raise two of his scythes to block Kenpachi's sword that suddenly descended on him. The moment the three weapons met, Nnoitra groaned in pain as his knees buckled due to the power behind that attack, but despite that, his other four arms moved in for the counterattack.

Kenpachi's Zanpakuto moved at lightning speed, blocking three of the incoming scythes, while he simply caught the last one with his bare hand before ripping said off with raw strength alone.

Nnoitra groaned in pain due to losing one of his arms, but he still continued the assault, slashing at Kenpachi with his five remaining scythes.

Yet again did Kenpachi block three of the incoming attack with his sword, while parrying them in a way that would block another one, and just like the first time, Kenpachi caught the remaining attack with his bare hand, yet again ripping it off.

"Well, down to four. Fighting someone with six arms is pretty annoying, so I'll have to cut that number down a little. Let's see~ I guess I'll take at least one more~."

Hearing Kenpachi's leisurely tone, Nnoitra's anger grew even further as he concentrated his Spiritual Power on the stumps of his two missing arms, causing the flesh to wiggle around, and moments later, both of his arms had regrown.

"Cut off my arms!? You can try it, but you won't succeed!"

This time it was Nnoitra's turn to rush at Kenpachi, wildly swinging his weapons around, resulting in Kenpachi blocking most of the attacks while occasionally receiving a wound.

However, Nnoitra wasn't in his best condition because, by now, it had reached a point where he needed at least three of his arms to block Kenpachi's sword, which was still manageable, but he could feel more and more fatigue accumulating.

Meanwhile, Kenpachi's attacks were just as relentless as they had started, as if all the blood flowing out of his body wasn't bothering him in the slightest, a maddened grin still clearly displayed on his face.

As the fight continued, the difference between Kenpachi and Nnoitra became clearer and clearer, as Nnoitra was getting slower and weaker while Kenpachi simply kept going. Yet again, their attacks collided, and due to the force put into them, the duo was pushed apart, coming to a halt at a distance of a few dozen meters, giving them a moment to breathe.

"What the hell are you!? Why are you not getting tired!?"

"Tired? Why would I be getting tired? I'm having quite a bit of fun right now, SO HOW COULD I POSSIBLE GET TIRED OF THIS, HAHAHA!?"

Hearing Kenpachi's crazed laughter, Nnoitra gritted his teeth in anger. Overall, Kenpachi had received more wounds, which were also more serious than his own, so he couldn't fathom why Kenpachi was still fine.

"This is impossible! I can't lose! I'M THE STRONGEST!!! THE STRONGEST!!!"

The more he thought about his current predicament, the angrier Nnoitra became, finally resulting in him charging Kenoachi like a wild beast. However, seeing Nnoitra's action, Kenpachi couldn't help himself but sigh deeply as the moment Nnoitra had reached him, he simply sidestepped and slashed down his Zanpakuto, leaving a deep wound on Nnoitra's body.

"You have lost your focus. How pathetic."

Although the wound he received wasn't deadly, it heavily reduced Nnoitra's combat strength, rendering half his arms pretty much useless, but despite that, he still stood back up with his teeth gritted in anger and shaking legs.

Seeing Nnoitra's current condition, Kenpachi scoffed in disdain and turned around while leisurely resting the back of his Zanpakuto on his shoulder.

"Oh well, see ya~"

Nnoitra was momentarily dumbfounded when Kenpachi just turned around and walked away, but his anger returned, burning even brighter.


While Kenpachi was slowly walking away, the enraged Nnoitra started running at him, his three functioning arms ready to strike yet again.


"So boring."

Kenpachi wasn't paying much attention to Nnoitra's tantrum, but when he actually attacked Kenpachi, Kenpachi decided to no longer bother with him, so, with a final slash, a dealt another wound to Nnoitra, this time, a mortal one.

Seeing Nnoitra collapse to the ground with his facial expression still twisted in anger, Kenpachi only shook his head as he approached Orihime,  who was currently healing Ichigo.

He casually smashed the healing dome covering Ichigo by kicking it before grabbing him and tossing him toward his sword.

"There you go. Pick up your sword and leave."

"Haa? What are you talking about?"

"Isn't that obvious? You are just a Substitute Shinigami, and you came here to save that girl. She's safe now, so take her and leave. Your only job should be protecting that town."

The moment Kenpachi stopped speaking, a frown appeared on his face as he felt a little sluggish due to losing too much blood. He briefly pondered opening another seal but decided on something different as his gaze landed on Orihime.

"Hey, girl, heal my wounds before you leave."

Rather than opening another seal that he couldn't casually reapply, Kenpachi decided that he would rather get healed to enjoy the coming fights more.

"Eh? Ah, yes!"

Initially, Orihime didn't react to Kenpachi's words, as she was still dazed from what she had just witnessed, but after feeling Kenpachi's gaze on her, she quickly nodded her head in agreement.

Satisfied with Orihime's answer, Kenpachi started to relax a little, but unfortunately, the moment he relaxed, a female Arrancar with crimson hair and two horns appeared in front of Orihime.

"Well, sorry about this, but the shithead at the top wants me to do this."

Before either Kenpachi or Ichigo could react, the red-haired woman had already disappeared together with Orihime, leaving a dumbfounded Ichigo and an annoyed Kenpachi behind.

'W-What just happened.'

'Shit, if my seals weren't on, I would have been able to catch her.'

Moments later, Orihime found herself in front of Aizen yet again, causing her to look around fearfully.

"Welcome back, Orihime. What is wrong? You look like you are afraid."

The moment Aizen stopped speaking, Aizen vanished and appeared in front of Orihime, their noses almost touching, putting more pressure on her.

"Smile. We all get sad when the sky..."

"You are being a creep, Aizen."

Before Aizen could finish his speech, a leisurely voice interrupted him, and after looking at the source of the voice, he saw Yuna casually leaning against a nearby wall.

"Oh? If it isn't Yuna Uzumaki. I wonder what you are doing here?"

"I see, so you want to divert the topic, huh? Oh well, I guess me seeing you pressuring a little girl not even a tenth of your age doesn't exactly paint a good picture of you, so it can't be helped that you want to change the topic."

Aizen's eyebrows twitched in irritation due to Yuna yet again making fun of the way he dealt with others, but before he could bring forth any counterarguments, Yuna had already continued speaking.

"Oh well, it doesn't really matter. As for why I am here: Isn't that pretty obvious? You are going to where the fun is happening, right? Obviously, I'm coming with you as well. So far, no fights within Hueco Mundo caught my interest, so it's only natural to switch locations, right?"

Hearing Yuna's words, Aizen couldn't help but frown. From his point of view, there was no way Yuna knew what he was planning to do, but it seemed like she knew more than Aizen expected.

However, with the information he had so far, he assumed that Yuna thought he would bring the fight to Seireitei, which was incorrect. After all, his first goal wasn't Seireitei but the creation of the Oken, the key to the palace of the Soul King.

"Oh well, let's go. Karakura Town it was, right?"

As if she especially set out to mock Aizen's thoughts, Yuna revealed that he planned to go to KarakuraTown instead of Soul Society. 

'How does she possibly know about this!?'

However, things didn't end there as Yuna raised her hand and slashed it down, causing space to part as a black void opened up in front of Yuna, almost causing Aizen's eyes to pop out.


The ability to travel from Hueco Mundo to the world of the living is something only Hollow are supposed to possess. Obviously, with the right equipment, such restrictions could be overcome, but Yuna did it by only moving her hand and no extra equipment as if she had copied how Hollow would do it.

'This is impossible. Opening a Garganta is not something a Shinigami could do, so how does she do it!? What are her tricks, her secrets, and the source of all these techniques and secrets? I want to know about it! I want to know about ALL of it!'

Although Yuna didn't show any of it, she sensed Aizen's inner turmoil, causing her to smile internally. Just before she was about to enter the Garganta, she turned around and gave Aizen a wink.

It was just a simple gesture, but Aizen couldn't help himself but feel utterly terrified due to it. He couldn't even put a finger on what exactly was wrong, but he knew for certain that Yuna was beyond abnormal.

However, Aizen was not someone who would abandon all his plans just because a young woman winked at him, helping him to quickly regain his composure.

'So what if she is abnormal? At the end of the day, I still have my Kyoka Suigetsu. Even the Head Captain himself can't get out of its influence! No matter how many tricks she has and how many secrets she has hidden from me, nothing can escape from my Kyoka Suigetsu!

Nothing ever did, and nothing ever will! In the end, I will be the final victor!


Goddess of Victory

Thanks for the chapter, I almost pity aizen for what he's about to endure