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I'm going through my main characters and fixing them up with new ref sheets/lore!

Firist up is Bibi + a bonus pinup! 

I never thought I'd change her outfit, but after drawing this one a couple of times I like it more than the original. High-waisted shorts and thigh-highs are my new weakness.


The Orbis is a mysterious curse that is running rampant in the world of Terra, which manifests white pupils on the afflicted, and after a few weeks, they perish. 

Out of options and a last resort, Bibi seeks out an immortal from a fabled rumor where its said she could seek help. What she didn't account for is the immortal being an asshole and complaining she didn't bring any beer.


She's 24, loves to eat (burgers are her weakness), and hates waking up early. 




I love this cutie! I hope she gets that whole curse thing sorted out soon!

Risax the Imp

Always a treat to see Bibi. She better find a way to lift that Orbis curse, dang it!