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Heya! I think I might do one of these updates post every other month. Just so you guys can have an idea what's up! I'd be more fun to chat with ya'll too~ 

I got a new printer!!!

Look at her. I love her.

I was FINALLY able to purchase a new printer (thanks to you guys💕). For a few months now the mail club's physical rewards would be sent out WEEKS after the month it was made... from having to buy from a print shop, wait astonishingly long for the prints to arrive, give or take a messed up batch and then I could send them out...It was too much wait time for personally. 

BUT NOW...the mini prints and stickers will be sent out at the end of each month. Bless.

For those of you on that tier thank you SO MUCH for your patience! The curse has finally ended!


Webtoons style format vs reg comic

I'm curious how many of you prefer reading webtoons style comics over traditional? Does it not even matter? With me, I honestly have no preference. A good story is a good story I'll read it whichever way. 

Saying that I also do think it's important to keep up with the times. 

I've actually debated if I should do Orbis Terra in webtoons format, but I'm a sucker for the traditional look, plus having to reformat webtoons for a physical book sounds like a bitch in a half and I don't have the patience or time for that. Maybe I'll do a future comic in that format, but OT will stay with the traditional style. 

Orbis Terra comic update. 

So, I'd like to talk about how my process with Orbis Terra is coming. I was supposed to go to ECCC this year, but I backed out last month for a multitude of reasons. My goal before my trip was to have Chapter 1 of Orbis Terra finished, so I'd be able to make it a physical book and sell it at the con! But with my 9-5 job getting more stressful, big ol' bad brain, shitty health and coming home from work and working until bed I grew sick of it and started to despise drawing. It just wasn't doable when my focus couldn't be this comic 100% of the time. It hurt a lot to not succeed on any of this, but I was at my limit and in the end, for the sake of my health, I'm happy with the decision to not attend the con.


Going back to trying to finish 64 page's in 3 months I also didn't plan any layouts, chara design or environmental drawings for the first chap and this big regret is kicking my ass right now and why updates have been sparse OTZ 💦

✨ Good news though chapter updates will resume next month! 


Anyway, thank you guys for sticking with me! Y'all are awesome and cute and if I ever see you irl I'll take you out and buy you a $1 burg. I'm very much stuck between keeping this page very professional with no mention of feelings and keeping it STRICTLY WORK, but on the other hand, I like to just have fun and post what I like. 

I've spent years doing the former and I hate it, so let's keep it chill~

If you guys have any questions feel free to ask them below! Aside from that who is ready for animal crossing?? You have x days to think of a village name better get started.



1. i am extremely ready for animal crossing; this will be my first ever and i'm very excited.


2. always happy to see saane updates, in any form, ever, and forever.


Honestly Iv always loved how personal this page has been and just how excited you always are to post a new update Also you are literally my favorite artist of all time so it’s honestly a pleasure to be able to support you in anyway I can Lastly IM HELLA EXCITED FOR ANIMAL CROSSING!!! Played every one since the GameCube!


heya, ive been a fan of your art for a long time! please take as long as you need for the comic/etc. making a webcomic solo is a huge amount of work, esp with a real job too