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I'll start with admitting this - creating a game from scratch is a much more complicated task than I have initially expected. Even a simple one, like a visual novel. But right now I can confidently say the demo is on the right tracks to be finished fairly soon! :D at least now I have learned not to make grand statements about projects like this when I'm not confident about the dates and schedules. It took way longer than expected and grew in scope. From a short and simple introductory story to a much larger, complete narrative filled with stuffing scenarios, weight gain, some farting and lots of burping. With heartfelt moments, confessions and growing bonds.

The demo-prologue story follows two characters: our old high school friend Charlotte and an elven sorceress Selena.

Oops, it seems they're looking rather slim? Well, it's up to you to change that state of affairs! Road to the belly leads through the heart, right? Or was it the other way around... Anyway, the food is the key! You will soon discover the extent of their... Changing figures... Also different meal choices might provide different endings for scenarios. While in this demo I did not include too many, focusing more on the story itself, I hope the execution is going to be to your liking.

You will have many scenes of stuffed bellies, bloated bellies, accumulating fat and belly rubs :3


You will get a chance to convince a haughty sorceress with strict diet plan to perhaps loosen her belt a little?


There might also be a few secrets to discover with correct choices made~

There is also a lot of lore and the actual story, naturally. Though I'm going to stay quiet on this part - no spoilers!!

Also... I wasted a lot of time, trying to add a belly rubbing simulation, unsuccessfully :c I'll try again when I'm better at programming, so it can be included in the full game release.

Then, the demo ends - and I'll talk a little about my plans for the main game release. You're going to see what role Selena and Charlotte are going to play in the main narrative soon, in the prologue. Later, we are going to embark on a journey across the land to find... Someone. We will visit different locations in a non-linear way. There we are going to meet various characters, like the proud warrior Michiko or the stern elven captain, Iris.

What would be better than to see these two put on at least a few pounds, right? Or perhaps let out a loud, uncontrolled fart... In public?

Each character has their own, unique story and the way of putting on weight also varies. But what my aim is with the non-linear approach is to collect items and knowledge. With these we can unlock secret dialogue options in different locations which can allow us to unlock new endings and dialogues. I have currently already planned 15 characters for different locations and settings. There will probably be at least 20 though. I hope to reach 40, but we will see about it - I don't want to keep writing the game forever after all!

I'm also considering a recruitment mechanic where some of the characters can permanently join our team and travel together with us, adding to the dialogues, providing their perspective on dilemmas. Similar to Baldur's Gate 3 and offering new choices. Though this option is debatable, since I'm not that good at programming (that's why I chose Visual Novels out of all the possible options).

So all in all, I hope you are going to enjoy the upcoming demo and hopefully it's going to be worth the wait! :D

Thank you all for being here <3


용 겜

When I can play demo?


Since it's the very first game I'm developing, I don't want to commit to any dates to then disappoint. It already took longer than I expected. But my current goal is to try and finish it before the end of May


Looking forward to playing this game! Take your time ChubWizardd!