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I hope that from this photos you cannot work out too much the art I am painting for my bedroom.. I really want it to be a surprise when you watch the video which I will post for you this weekend :)

Changing the topic, I haven't had chance to use my sunbed as it's now raining for a week or more, apart from a few sunny warm weeks this summer has been not the greatest but well, I guess bad weather makes us appreciate good weather even more when it comes..

Some more highlights:

* Took Snoopy for his rabies injection yesterday so he is ready to travel when we get there.

* My vaccine is expired so I will need to book me in for a new one. I don't like it but if I want to travel I ve got no other choice 

* I have demolished the wood stove as much as I could, now last few bottom layers left which are madly resistant and I think they are cemented together, for this I need to call in two of my very strong male friends, can't wait for the whole thing to be out so that I can start planning a new one.

* Lots of cherries, gooseberries, currants, blueberries appearing so I guess I ll be changing my diet from naughty doughy, chocolaty and creamy one to a much healthier option (I wish, but I will try :))

Have a wonderful day my sweet Muffins (mmm muffins..) and see you in our next video this weekend xx




Have a great day too ❤


I hope you and snoopy get a chance to walk and play when the rain stops darling Leila I can't wait to see the room and video xx💋🥰💋🥰 John


You are the art. I like that view of your "muffin" as well.

Chuck Sohm

Sorry to hear you have to get another jab. Don't know why they think it expires. Hope you get some nice outdoor days soon. You are our sunshine.😍


You know the more I look at your photo disguising the painting I can't help but be captivated by the colours you have used. I love what you have done with the photo. BEAUTIFUL, ALLURING, CAPTIVATING, can not wait to see what is underneath. Had to take Lucy my Terrier to the vets this week, her liver is packing up. Otherwise not done much as the weather is to hot to be racing around.


Intriguing view Leila … looking forward to the video reveal 🎥 … take care 😊


Aww nooo why her liver got packed up? Did vets say the possible cause? That's so sad, we're keeping fingers and paws crossed for Lucy 🥲😍


Thanks my dear Chuck, just been to the appointment and they said they don't have Moderna which is what I previously had, the other day on the phone they said they have, do they even know what they doing in that hospital? And so we call them professionals 😂


Haha my muffin, well it could be from me consuming all that gooey creamy sweet stuff 😂


Thank you John, thankfully I have an umbrella and Snoopy doesn't mind jumping around and running in the rain so we're all good but yes it's a much better feeling when sun is out 😜😍


Two years ago Lucy was diagnosed with cancer it has now spread to the liver. Prognosis is a few weeks to 6months she is now very poorly, not eating very much and not the little bundle of energy we have known for 14yrs. If she gets much worse I will let her go peacefully. Thanks for your best wishes to Lucy, if I knew how to do it I would attach a 10 sec video or a photo of her.


Awww sweeties, I m so so so sorry to hear all that, nevemind the people, but when animals suffer my heart breaks into million pieces. I wish you a peaceful easy going, heartwarming weekend with your fluffy one xxx